Disciple's Eyes
We have now moved our meetings from Fridays to Saturdays at the Bagel Place.  With this move comes a longing for a fresh fire and rekindled spirit.  It seems there is something crying out from our beings, from deep inside.  God has made it clear that this yearning is directly from the heart of a disciple hungry for direction and development. 
We have decided to begin looking more deeply into what a true disciple is, looks like, does, etc.  Perhaps, we will see somewhat of a developing of new eyes and new perspective.  Our souls seem to agree with this mission, as they rejoice in our salvation, yes, but now what?  There has to be more.   Much more.
Coupled with this quest comes the prerequisite of understanding who we are a disciple of.   Who are we following?  Who is our Rabbi?  It follows that we must attain a deeper understanding of who this God is.  We must let Him be our teacher, our first priority, our first authority.  We should be increasing in familiarity our knowledge of the Gospel accounts, allowing those red lettered words to reveal His character.  After all, this is the guy that says we can do what He did and be like He is!
His design of marriage seems to give an accurate description of the intimate relationship He calls us into with Himself.   We need to get to know our spouses personally and intimately to discover what they like and what they don't like.  It makes sense to avoid the things they don't like, right?  Also, we need to spend time with them.  How else can we get to know someone well?  Spouses participate in a safe, secure relationship where they can openly communicate.  They depend on the trust and consistency of the commitment established over time. 
So it is easy to draw the parallels of the relationships between spouses and the relationships God call us into with Himself.  Looking at Luke 10:38-42, we see Martha busy about worrying and serving Jesus, bitter about her sister Mary sitting at the feet of Jesus, listening to His teachings and keeping her eyes on Him.  This is a good beginning picture of a disciple in the making.