Have This Mind in You
Experiencing God, Day by Day Devotional,
by Blackaby.
December 27, 2003.
"Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus." Philippians 2:5.

Attitudes do not just happen; we choose them.  Paul urged believers to have the same attitude that Jesus had.  Jesus was the Son of God.  His place was at the right hand of His Father, ruling the universe.  No position could be more glorious or honorable than the right hand of the heavenly Father.  Jesus' relationship with the Father gave Him the right to this honor.
Jesus chose not to hold on to this right.  Nothing, not even His position in heaven, was so precious to Him that He could not give it up if His Father asked Him.  His love for His Father compelled Him to make any sacrifice necessary in order to be obedient to Him.  When the Father required a spotless sacrifice for the redemption of humanity, Jesus did not cling to His rights, nor did He argue that He should not have to suffer for the sins of rebellious creatures of dust (Isa. 53:7).  Rather, He relinquished the glory of His heavenly existence in order to become a man.  He was born in a cattle shed; he slept in a feeding trough.  His life was spent preparing for the day when He would suffer an excruciating execution.  All of this He did willingly.
We are tempted to hold tightly to things God has given us.  We say, "I would be willing to give up anything God asked of me, but I just don't think He would ask me to give anything up!"  The Father asked His Son  to make radical adjustments in His life.  Can we not expect that He will ask us to sacrifice privileges and comforts as well?
If you find yourself resisting every time God seeks to adjust your life to His will, ask the Spirit to give you the same selfless attitude that Jesus demonstrated.