The Power of Purpose
I'd like to take us back to a place in time, just before that very first Christmas. Can you imagine
the excitement buzzing around heaven when the Father revealed the big plan to everyone? It
must've been like Santa Claus announcing to everyone, "It's time!", when he was about to
embark on his journey to deliver presents on Christmas Eve. I bet the angels in heaven rejoiced
with roars of passionate joy, just like the elves, when they realized the brilliance of the plan.
Jesus would come to Earth, in weakness, setting aside His glory, to live as a man, and die as a
man. Between the lines and behind the scene as detectable by our limited vision, He would
conquer hell and provide Himself as the remedy for the devastating effects of sin. He would
become The Way to reconcile all of mankind to Himself. His name was Jesus, meaning "He
Saves", for He would become the Savior of the world. His purpose was prophesied for eons
before His coming. The kicker was, it really happened! It happened as if it were just yesterday.
He arose from the grave, victorious over death and the power of sin. It is the power of His
purpose that rocked the world. What God planned, He accomplished. It is the good news that
Jesus Christ is alive! It is the gospel story that compelled Paul and many others to respond with
such passion to tell the world about it.
I predict that the same excitement exists when angels hear of our creation story. When God
sang us into existence, I bet they praised Him for His brilliant plans for our particular lives. We
are not accidents, nor are we without purpose. We were created to bring Him glory as unique
individuals, unified by His Spirit. We receive the power of His purpose by giving Him our
devoted trust. My life verses are Proverbs 3: 5-6, "Trust The Lord with all your heart and lean
not on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him and He will direct your
paths." Trust whom? The Lord only, not our hearts. How much of our heart? All of it. Just like
He went all the way and held back nothing for us, we should be "all in". We cannot see
everything. We can't know everything. We can't understand all of His mysteries. We must walk
by faith and not be moved by circumstances. In what ways? All of our ways. He wants to be at
the center of every part of our lives. We must allow Him to transform us to be real and full of the
Spirit everywhere we walk. Acknowledge Him means to place Him as Lord of your life, giving
honor and glory to Him. As we trust Him, He directs our paths into the purpose He designed for
us from before the beginning of time. What an awesome, brilliant plan.
X's: Defense: Know that He indeed is sovereign and has a plan for your life. You are not a
mistake. The devil would like you to believe otherwise. He whittles away at your faith to the
point where you want to take back the steering wheel and drive away from trusting The Lord.
Know that The Lord is good. We may not understand all that happens, but He can be trusted to
work out everything for the good of those that love Him. He wants the best life possible for you.
He wants you to fulfill your purpose and destiny. He can't wait for you to be with Him in glory.
O's: Offense: Willfully receive His divine purpose for your life. Swallow the lump in your throat
and step out of the boat to walk on the water. Expect miracles. Set out on the great adventure
of life, ridding yourself of fears that have been holding you back. Fall into His strong, safe arms,
in complete trust. He will lead you into the very best life possible, all the while developing you
into the amazing creature He envisions as complete before His throne. He sees Jesus in you.
Read the bible stories of what awesome things He did with people, even in their weaknesses
and shortcomings. Believe in the power of the gospel and the good news of Jesus Christ. It's
Christmas! Christ with us! Immanuel! Join the many voices of the angels proclaiming His
praise! Receive the power of His purpose by giving Him your trust this Christmas. Thank you,
Lord, for the magic of Christmas. Thank you.