2020 years ago, the greatest invasion known to mankind occurred. The human race was locked in a stronghold without hope of redemption. Their choice of sin and independence transferred their ownership to the devil and his darkness. Inspired by His great love for His people, God organized and executed the most profound rescue in history. He would send His only Son to be born as a baby. He was a Son born to die that we might live. He would be our only hope and our only way to the Father and an eternal existence in heaven with Him. The Lamb of God purchased us back to Himself with His own blood. Amazing love.
“From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven has been subjected to violence, and violent people have been raiding it.” Matthew 11: 12. Jesus spoke these words. I like the translation of “the kingdom of heaven has been forcefully advancing”. It speaks of an immense, intense battle that rallies the power of God for victory.
Friends, I propose it’s time we approach our issues with this same attitude. Maybe we’ve been going about this too lightly, when it comes to finally exercising our faith muscles to overcome unto victory. Perhaps it’s time to acquire that fire in our eyes and attack our challenges in the power of God once and for all. We are equipped with the sword of the Spirit to violently subdue and eradicate that which entangles us. Freedom!