R, T, P...
Wrapping up the year as we begin wrapping up presents in preparation for Christmas, we come to the final element in our brief study of Philippians 4. We've been digging into rejoicing, thankfulness, and prayer throughout this Fall season. Peace is the concluding subject matter for consideration. What a most fitting topic as we embrace what Christmas means to us. Peace! It is the greeting by Jesus after He resurrected from the dead. It is our most basic necessity as we journey through this life. It is what most everyone craves. It is one of the fruits of the Spirit, and rightfully so, because human or fleshly peace is indeed but a very temporary and fleeting band-aid compared to the supernatural peace of God that is at our disposal.
"And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Phil. 4:7. It is the peace of God alone that has the power to guard our hearts and minds in this crazy world. As this verse indicates, there is a great need for their protection from devilish devastation. Our hearts and minds are constantly under attack by the spiritual forces of darkness that are so prevalent in our world. If we are to truly avoid resentment, bitterness, jadedness, unbelief, turning back, discouragement, disobedience, and the like, it is imperative that we are protected by the very peace that flows abundantly from the throne of God. And it is indeed available to us by the power of the Holy Spirit, as mentioned in the Galatians 5 list of fruits. If we have the Holy Spirit dwelling in us, He will produce the fruit. May we walk in it.
The peace of God transcends all understanding. I like that. I'm always impressed by someone going through hell on earth, to discover they have a supernatural peace and perspective about things. What a testimony that points others straight to Jesus! It truly is supernatural and contrary to the natural human reaction of angst, anger, frustration, panic, and disillusionment.
Folks, He knows this ain't easy. He never promised this life would be. His was a most difficult path. Why should we think we deserve better than He? There are going to be storms and struggles as we journey through this fallen world toward our heavenly home, but we can have peace because the victory is ours, thanks to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! We know where we are going. We know how the book ends. We know He can still make a difference through us, even in the tough times.
So, in essence, we must continue to rejoice in the Lord always. We must let our gentleness be evident to all and recognize the Lord is near. We must not be anxious about anything, but continually present our requests to God. We must be thankful that He has heard our prayers and His answer is on the way. Then we will have the protection of peace to guard our hearts and minds, providing the resilience needed to persevere and finish the race He has called us to run. Merry Christmas everyone. Goodbye 2018! May we embrace 2019 with the positivity mentioned in Philippians 4:8, at the end of the passage we've been studying.