Merry Christmas! I hope you've heard that proclamation more than I have this year or even in years past. I hear more "Happy Holidays" now, it seems. It's hard to believe it's that time of year already. What happened to the saying "slow as Christmas"? So much for that! I have to honestly admit that it must be me that's not ready, for there are still the same number of hours in each day! So, have you been sensing much Christmas spirit out in the world this season? No offense, but I seriously doubt it. I remember remarking last year about the obvious lack of spirit in the world. But I think we are expecting way too much. Why would we expect the world to have God's Spirit or even His characteristics or qualities? Why would you think the world values what is important to God? Those things are foolish to those who aren't in Christ- and that's not to judge, but to just check our expectations for our journey through the holidays. I believe it is us, those saved followers of Christ who must take the Spirit into our local worlds. God is Spirit and we must be tapped into Him to have the Spirit. Don't expect that from the world. We've got to take that light into the dark world. I pray we can slow down and appreciate the true reason for the season. We celebrate the Giver, giving us the greatest Gift ever known-His only Son, Jesus, to be the Savior we so desperately needed and still need today. We celebrate on one day what should be our source of joy the whole year long.
What are your deepest longings, desires, and needs? If you pray about this, He will illuminate them and help you realize where you go on a daily basis to fulfill them. He wants to encourage us today that He is the only real and true source of lasting satisfaction. May we go to Him as our regular source for all of our needs and longings. "Blessed is the man who trusts in You."
I'm being challenged with my prayer life. I've been prompted to stop asking for so much of what I want or need. I recognize He desires for me to come to Him and ask, but I'm simply agreeing that He already knows what I need, so I'm trying to trust Him and be content, patiently waiting for His perfect timing. I'm trying to be more inclined to ask Him, "What do You want, Lord? What do you want in all these issues, situations, needs, desires, etc.?" Maybe I'm hoping to be a better listener along the way as well. Maybe I'm finally realizing my struggle with my being a foreigner in this place. I want everything to be right, good, and well. I long for heaven. That's what I was built and designed for, but I'm just not there yet, and simply shouldn't expect it while still in the world. It is impossible to live a problem-free life here on Earth. Might as well give up on that! Jesus told us in advance, we'd have trouble. It's along the path of those challenges we grow spiritually. We were designed to live in dependence of Him. Take His hand and walk it out.
I got humbled again in the weight room the other day. No, it wasn't another failed attempt at lifting a heavy weight, but a conviction from a song on the radio. "Lord, let me burn for You again...", sang Third Day. I found myself trying to truly mean and adopt those words into my heart, then immediately had a pang of hesitation and fear. It reminded me of a very old truth from years ago. We are so entrenched in the ways of this world, it scares us to death what it might look like if we truly surrendered to Christ! What would He ask me to do? Preach? Go on a mission trip? Sell all my stuff, move to Africa, and live in a bamboo hut? Oh my! These responses are immediate and almost automatic, though in grave , misguided error. In Christ, we have nothing to fear, for He only gives us His best plan for our lives. We need to get this straight and face it. Trust Him and let go of all things into His sovereign care. Let us not hedge because we are scared of His will. Let faith rise! Stop trying to live a risk-free life as I you are in control of everything. Relinquish that control and join Him where He's working. Follow Him. Relax and enjoy the journey together.
There's been quite a few episodes of prodigal sons and daughters on the radio lately. They've had former prodigals giving awesome testimonies of returning to their first love. They really appreciated their parents praying and being there for them. It's an encouragement to pray. It's not the least you can do, it's the most you can do. Be tough. Put your hope in God. In Him, hope never dies. Have faith and trust Him.
I've been encouraged to kindle a fresher attitude toward work. I'm looking for opportunities. I'm looking for where God is working. I'm hoping for renewed energy and excitement, seeking deeper satisfaction than just doing my time until retirement. I like LaCrae's lyrics, "living for Your glory, instead of living to retire". God will allow a change of season in due time. May I cooperate with His agenda in the meanwhile. I hope I can be a willing vessel He can use to bring light into the world while I have the chance. There's not much more time left. As we started this discussion, time is flying. It won't be long before I'm turning the page and beginning a new chapter, Lord willing. The thought is exciting, but I pray I'll be available for His use during these last few paragraphs.