"Why do we always have to go over this stuff every year? If you can't raise a ladder or put on an airpack by now, it's hopeless!", the hoseman whined.
"It's the discipline of performing the basics until they are second nature that protects you from a failure during chaotic circumstances.", his officer voiced assuringly.
Something extraordinary happens every Spring. Seasoned professional baseball players travel to a warm climate to do one thing: practice the basics. This is how they became the highly skilled players they are today: years and years of practicing the basics. Similarly, we as Christians can know that it is God's will for us to work on the basics of building a divine lifestyle for the purpose of motivating a change from the "old" us to the "new" creation by God's perfect molding. So how can a man really change after so many years of following his own way? There are some simple practices we can address daily to start and continue this process of change.
1. Daily Preparation: Bible reading and study, prayer, memorize scripture, establish a routine.
2. Daily Temptation: Reject impure thoughts and thank God for giving you the power to overcome.
3. Daily Sin: Confess it to God and thank Him for forgiveness - past, present, and future.
4. Daily Power: The surrendered man yields control of his life to the mind of Christ every moment.
5. Daily Witnessing: If Christ is truly Lord of our life, we will want to tell others about Him.
6. Daily Pilgrimage:
"Encourage those around you, and meet together regularly for friendship, accountability, Bible study, and prayer. To encourage someone is to inspire them to have courage. Attend chruch where the Bible is believed and Christ is honored. Join a weekly Bible study group. Form an accountable relationship. Pursue your job as a holy vocation. Remember the poor when you give your resources. Be a faithful steward. Stand against bigotry and racial prejudice. Increase your love for God and for people. Remember, no amount of success at the office can compensate for failure at home." (Pat Morley)
"Our challenge is to be a certain kind of man - the kind we have described and studied in "The Man In The Mirror", a man commited to the Christian life view, a biblical Christian." (Morley) To God be the glory.
Next week: We will be starting a new study: The Experiencing God workbook. Please feel free to order the workbook through the company of Lifeway. Web address: www.lifeway.com. An 800 number is also available on their website.