Ephesians 6:10-24. Finally, we come to the key verse in this study. "Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power." We have looked at the many various components of life we can be strong in. The tendency is to live powerless lives when it comes to bringing practical application of the Spirit's influence on Earth. Paul's revelation includes the awareness that it is possible to bring the Spirit's impact into our Earthly relationships. It's a miracle designed by God to bring Him glory and help maximize our existence.
Suddenly, there is strange turn of perspective in verse 12. Paul says our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but is with spiritual forces of evil. What? We've been talking about our physical relationships and how they play out, now it's about evil spirits? There's the connection. Our relational challenges are rooted in spiritual warfare. Everything good that God has designed and intended to reflect His relationships with His people is opposed by the evil spiritual forces in the heavenlies. Evil plays on our selfish, fleshly tendencies to mock God's invitations for holy, pure relationships on Earth. The miracle can become real if we allow His Holy Spirit to be powerful in our everyday relationships. That's when we become like Jesus to others and share His perspective on the meaning of our existence.
I love this miracle of Christianity. God has provided The Way for a fallen, selfish, broken humanity to truly live like Christ, by the power of His presence. It's really amazing. And it confounds the minds of evil spirits. It must really hack them off because they know they can't top that. So, we must take the intiative to protect ourselves, knowing all the while we were placed deep behind enemy lines, in a war that has been going on since before the beginning of time. Put on the full armor of God! Every piece! Continue to get into the Word and allow the Word to get into you. Don't count God out in these relationships. If we harbor a spirit of cooperation with His will, we can see the miracle of unity and harmony. We can actually experience life as He intended, with grace abounding in relationships of integrity, trust, respect, and love. We can truly find peace in dealing with the many challenges inherent in a diversely populated planet.
Be strong in spiritual battle. Be strong in truth, in righteousness, in readiness, in peace, in faith, in our salvation, in the Spirit, in prayer, in courage, in boldness, in fearlessness. May God receive glory from my life.