Meeting 11/17/18
R,T, P...

"The Lord is near."  (Phil 4:5)  Ah, think about it.  That fact means so much!  I pray we allow this truth to impact us in our daily lives.  It should truly make a huge difference both in our offense and defense.  We studied this in depth in the past.  I encourage you to go back and read those entries on this website for 2013-14.  For our offense, it is the foundation and energy to follow Christ and prove our faith to be genuine.  It is the impetus to pursue our purpose and use our gifts to bring Him glory.  It is our soul's sole source to truly live whilst still in the flesh.  For our defense, it is our protection and strength to resist and stand against the devil's schemes and temptations.  It is our resilience to the conforming pressures and tragedies of this fallen world.  It is our inspired perseverance to press on and finish this race.

The Lord is near.  I believe we should whisper this to ourselves and echo it unto others all the day long.  Teach your children this primary principle.  Is He not living inside us by the power of the Holy Spirit?  If He truly is, then that should really make a difference in how we live.  Don't just "try" this or even "test" this.  Instead, be obedient to truly "live" this.  Believe this.  Act on this.  Be changed by this.  Return continually to this.  Do this!

​Another element to this simple, but powerful statement is the fact that the Lord is at hand.  In other words, the King is coming soon.  He is drawing nigh.  We must live in expectancy of our Savior to return to scoop us up to heaven and establish His kingdom.  We should be living in excited hope of this event.  Our spirits should be welcoming, not fearful or resentful, as if we still have some things left to accomplish to empty our Bucket List.  Do Him a favor; drop the bucket deal, and read His love letter that contains His Bucket List for you personally.  It's much more satisfying and meaningful.  This life here on Earth ain't it, folks.  Our best days are yet to come.  Let's not be deceived or in denial about this.  The Lord is near.  Tattoo that truth on your heart today and wear it with honor.