Meeting 11/15/14
Ephesians 6:1-9.  Paul continues with instructions on how to live out relationships here on Earth as disciples of Christ.  These relationships are practically impossible to maintain and maximize in our flesh, on our own strength.  Practically, Christianity works.  And it works itself out in our relationships.  The prerequisite is being filled and led by the Spirit.  It is impossible to relate to others positively and constructively without the leading direction of the Holy Spirit.  That's how The Man designed this life.  

​Children are to obey their parents, showing appropriate honor to the structure of the family unit.  Fathers shouldn't exasperate their children.  We want our kids to walk on the right path.  Provoking them to anger and frustration will only lead them to choose the wrong path we fear they could choose anyway!  We have the responsibility to get to know our children and depend on the Spirit to bring the wisdom and patience to help them develop.  We should be model examples of staying in the Word and living the Word out in these relationships.  Our kids will learn the truth of the Word through our words and actions.

The section on masters and slaves has been used by certain sects as evidence of the bible being "culturally irrevelant" since we don't promote slavery in our culture anymore.  But the truth is inherent in the relationships it describes.  The present application is addressing bosses and servants.  Servants are to obey their bosses and do their jobs with all their heart, even when the bosses aren't looking!  They should work as if working for the Lord, with a true heart and honorable intentions.  Integrity should be real in our efforts.  Bosses should avoid threatening their servants, but should develop a perspective of Christ's love for all people, respecting and treating everyone with the same fairness, and realizing the high value of all people to God.  Besides, everyone has a boss- our Lord in heaven!

We must be strong in allowing the Spirit to lead in our relationships.  We must be strong in bringing the Spirit's influence into practical application on Earth.