
    Veteran's Day.  God bless our military veterans.  May they receive the respect they have earned and deserve.  Let us live with the values and integrity they served and fought for.
    Election protests.  Knowledge is power, so they say.  We are probably more enslaved in the pursuit of knowledge now than ever before, but I suppose we've been tempted in this since the Garden of Eden.  We want to know everything about everything so we can make judgments, approvals, and disapprovals of what we actually know nothing about in reality.  In the flesh, knowledge puffs up pride, and narrows perspectives.  In Christ, knowledge brings deeper humility, as you become more aware of your true humanity.  Some of our intelligentsia are protesting the recent presidential election, as if the results are contrary to human logic and higher intellect.  The Pharisees had major issues with Jesus.  They thought of themselves as the elite and educated sophisticates.  Jesus strongly opposed them in truth and love.  They were blinded by their own knowledge.  As disciples of Christ, I'd like to encourage us to not be so enslaved to attaining knowledge, but leave much room for active faith in God.  Faith is believing in what's unseen.  Without it, it's impossible to please God.  Faith involves trusting the Lord, even when you don't know the results coming in the future.  There are just some things we don't or can't know, and we should be okay with that.  Let's reserve our judgments about those things we aren't involved in or know nothing about.  Give those folks and processes the respect they deserve.  Walk humbly before your God.  He keeps some things hidden for very good reasons.  Don't lose touch with the awe of wonder and mystery of our Savior.  
    Three people contacted me in a single day, testifying that we were a part of making a big difference in their lives.  This was an amazing day, overflowing with these three blessings.  Seems, you can go day in and day out, grinding through the normal routines, and not hear or realize these blessings.  I thank the Lord for these fresh drinks of water.  It truly was humbling and encouraging to receive their testimonies.  He knows when we need it.  May we not hold back genuine compliments and gratitude to others when the Lord prompts us as appropriate.
    As  mentioned last week, there is a real way to avoid spiraling into self-pity, negativity, depression, etc.  It's the true reality of Philippians 3:11- to attain the resurrection from the dead, to be rescued and saved from such darkness, to overcome and be lifted up against the world's steady gravity trying to pull you down.  It's walking in the Spirit and in the power of Christ.
    What really matters in this life?  What is truly important?  I've been hanging out in Philippians for a while now.  Paul had every worldly accolade and status as reasons for his sense of identity, confidence, and esteem, but he discovered that those worldly things were rubbish compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ.  There may be some things we need to let go of as we are encouraged to keep the main thing the main thing.  We should remember that it was the Lord that gave us all things in the first place.  Sometimes He may require us to give up things almost forcefully and unplanned, such as when injury or health or financial or relationship crisis knocks on our door.  Other times, He wants us to reconsider our priorities willfully and willingly.  May we not think too highly of our interests, hobbies, and activities and allow the Lord to Shepherd us according to His plan and purpose, so that He may receive all the glory.