Meeting 11/4/17
Ecclesiastes 12.

And so we come to the last chapter in this Book of Blues known as Ecclesiastes.  Again, it is important to remember Solomon is writing this as an old man, looking back on his life.  We should be so wise to learn from his mistakes so we could avoid having to learn them the hard way!

Solomon was the wisest man on Earth.  I think we underestimate that fact.  Maybe we are so dull in comparison, we don't fully comprehend his perspective.  In this last chapter we get a glimpse of his genius.  We get a snapshot of his amazing ability to write such beautiful poetry.  The symbolism is brilliant and leaves us to wonder what we might have missed in the previous chapters.

"Remember your Creator in the days of your youth," he advises.  Walk with Him.  Learn from Him while you're young because life gets tougher when you're old.  Around the corner lies bitterness, jadedness, darkness, discouragement, and gloom.  Getting old is difficult, especially considering how you know you can no longer do the things you used to enjoy doing.  Your quality of life is diminished in comparison and it takes a toll on your psyche.  

Solomon references many of these diminished bodily functions in the text using symbolism.  The sun and light grow dim when your vision fades.  Tremors come on and posture slumps.  Teeth become dull.  Hearing lost.  Wake up super early.  Afraid to fall.  Vulnerable to attackers.  White hair.  Almost exothermic, needing heat to get warmed up like a grasshopper.  Virility waned.  Back weakens.  Brain function decreased.  ​Bladder control lessens.  Heart compromised.  All these bodily processes and organs are dying, as the "dust returns to the ground and the spirit returns to God".  It's all very depressing and meaningless to Solomon.  

The text  mentions how Solomon imparted his knowledge to others.  I appreciate that.  I believe mentorship is valuable and proper in the cycle of life.  Solomon was a thinker that sought to use just the right words.  What he wrote was upright and true.  That's important.  There are a lot of intellectuals who are considered learned scholars churning out writings and studies that aren't considered upright and true.  We must be shrewdly careful and wise in what we allow into our minds, lest we be deceived.  There are many books as a result of such intellectual pursuits.  Solomon warns of adding anything to the words of the wise, that have been given by the one Shepherd.  It would be inappropriate for us to try to add to God's words.  May we speak His words.

There was a time when Solomon sought the Lord and was with Him.  He is now remembering what he was about.  He knows he's gone astray.  He knows what he used to say was right and true.  His former words are valid, meaningful, and worthwhile.  It's important to note this possibility for other authors who may share this same testimony.  They may start off right and true, producing good work, then stray off the path, churning out rubbish.  So, it is prudent to listen to their early works, even if they've gone astray.  Are you waiting to listen to only perfect people?  Ha!  Thanks, Jon Courson.

"Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter:  Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is the whole duty of man."  This iconic verse has been a lighthouse for many in the Christian faith.  This is the moment we've been waiting for.  This is the culmination of God's purpose for bringing us to this study in the first place.  It lands as Fall sets in, saying 'goodbye' to Summer, as leaves turn and drop in the cool air.  Perfect timing.  Let's break it down...Any break dancers out there, bustin' a move?

"Fear God"-We are to be afraid of only the One who can cast our soul into hell.  We shouldn't be afraid of anything else, in spite of what the horror movies convey.  But this isn't the kind of fear referenced here.  This is a relationship fear.  It's reverence, respect, attraction, awe, wonder, love, adoration, and honor.  It's everything you know about having a healthy human relationship.  It's getting to know Him, finding out what pleases Him, staying away from the things He doesn't like, and making the relationship the number one priority in your life.  It's not selfish.  It's not about getting what you want, but rather asking, "God, what do You want?"  "What do You love, God?"  "I want to do what pleases You, Lord."  The answer is in the Bible.  His Love Letter reveals the mystery of how to love God and other people.   So we need to be in it and it needs to be in us all the time.  You know this is needed.  Loving people is crazy difficult.  And the moments are spontaneous and dynamic.  Situations arise quickly.  "Get into the Word of God and get the Word of God in you."-Flame.  It's imperative, if we are going to respond and act appropriately, as God would have us.

​"Duty" isn't in the original manuscripts, but was probably added to make more literary sense for our modern translations.  If you take "Duty" out, it reads "this is the whole of man".  This more accurately represents the eastern mindset, which is much more pictorial and symbolic.  For example, "God is The Rock, Light, Love.  The Holy Spirit is the Wind, Breath."  "The whole of man" describes who you are, your identity, your purpose, your bent.  It's you-the whole you.  A far cry from meaningless and vain, Solomon discovered!

"Keep His commandments"- what commandments?  There are considered 613 commandments in the bible.  Is Solomon saying to keep all 613?  Jesus knew the answer to this age-old question when He was asked.  He simplified by stating the two greatest commands are to love God and love other people.  He explained that all the other commands come from these two.  His truth is very consistent.  He continues to prove faithful.  He is love.  He cannot act apart from love.  He has wanted to hang out with us from the very beginning.  He walked with us in the Garden of Eden.  He sent Jesus to die for our sins so we could hang with Him in heaven for eternity.  This life is all set up because He loves us.  That's why those are the two greatest commandments-because that's what He does!  Within the perfect trinity, love is perfected and completely demonstrated.  He invites us into that loving relationship.  

Friends, we need a reminder here.  We are not created to develop and pursue our own selfish agendas, as if to glorify ourselves in this vain, temporary life.  We need to live here and now, with eternity in mind.  We are called to use our talents and gifts for God's glory.  We are going to be absolutely amazed at our reward in heaven.  It will be a big deal.  Let that motivate you here and now.  Engage and invest your time and talents to serve Him now.  That's what we are going to be doing in heaven anyway.  There shouldn't be a big change in lifestyle when we get there, if I may so flippantly say.  Be about His kingdom first.  Be about Him first.  May He be your First Love.  May no other gods be before Him.  Only what's done for Him will last beyond the Bemoth judgment seat of Christ, where frivolous things are burned up.  Eternity is real and is coming fast, folks.  Life is short.  "Don't waste your life, man."-Lacrae.