He is in the snowflake. He is in the raindrop.
He uses both to color a mountaintop.
He is in the ocean spray. He is in the crashing tide.
He made it salty and moves it by the moonlight.
Is it all by chance? Is it all by circumstance?
Is it all just one big coincidence?
He is in a baby's smile. He is in their innocent eyes.
He is in their learning and growing in size.
He is in peaceful dreams. He is in starry skies.
He put motion into the portrait of life.
What if it is real? What if it is true?
Does that mean he is in me? Does that mean he is in you?
What of his touch? What of his hand?
Do we see enough evidence to understand?
If he made everything, a little of him remains.
Then he is not so far away like some people claim.
What shall we do? What shall we say?
Give all credit to the potter, for we are but his clay.
We are taught independence early in life from tying our own shoes to paying our own way. This is a natural progression for most of mankind. The problem arises when we take it one step too far - taking control and leading our own lives, disallowing the influence of God. Everyone would agree they would not wish to be named a "rebel" when it comes to measuring up to God's principles. But when you take that step towards your own wants knowing it is not God's wants - that's rebellion.
Satan, the great deceiver, uses partial truths to convince us to make our own moves. The pursuit of fame, attaining of power, gathering of money, and promotion of social status all can be honorable, but are susceptible to elevation of self rather than to the praise of God.
Look back to the story of the fall of man in Genesis: Eve was specifically instructed not to eat of the tree, or else die. Satan slithered in and informed her she would surely not die, but that God didn't want anyone to be as wise as he; that if she would simply eat the fruit, her eyes would be open to all knowledbge - to be god-like. The truth was tainted (slightly) and she was tempted to elevate herself. The lure of independence deceived her to rebel against God's instruction. Satan uses the same approaches even today.
Jeremiah 10: 23 states plainly, "I know, O Lord, that a man's life is not his own; it is not for man to direct his steps." We err in thinking we are so powerful to have made something so great out of our accomplishments on our own accord. The fact is, without the power of Christ we would have no "world". Colossians 1: 16 supports, "For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him." If we truly are followers of Christ, we no longer consider life our own, but submit to the direction of God's hand, steadfast and committed to serving His purpose.
We should claim the promise figuratively described in Jeremiah 17: 7-8: "But blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit." To God be the glory.
Next week: Avoiding Suffering.