Ephesians 5:21-33.
First of all, the Spirit inspired Paul to write "submit to one another", then He goes on to explicitly state that wives are to submit to their husbands. Now, for us husbands, that verse is not written to us in the relational sense. That is written to wives. But in the spiritual sense, it makes sense! Consider that we are the bride of Christ, the feminine body of the church, submitting to our Husband, the Lord Jesus. So, we all should understand this.
Moving on to the husband's responsibility, we see even more detail given into the masculine side of relationships. Men are to love their wives as Christ loved the church, giving Himself up for her. How do we wash her with the word? Bang her over the head with the bible? Preach to her? No, of course not! Let me know how that works for you! I believe we are to constantly be in the Word, being full of the Holy Spirit, and allowing His Word to play out supernaturally in our daily lives as the leading example of how to live. We should be men of love, considering our wives needs as much as our own. We should be wise in using scripture in counseling our wives. I think the Word can speak even louder in our actions, for sometimes, our wives just need us to be there, or to lend an ear without speaking. You know what I'm talking about. She doesn't want to be preached to or hear verses spouted at her. She needs your comforting leadership and caring compassion. She needs your heart.
Now comes a most difficult but most valuable parallel: I believe the marriage relationship God established with the creation of the perfect partners of Adam and Eve is the closest parallel to this relationship offered to us by Jesus. We see evidence of this fact in so many of the aspects of the marriage relationship between a man and woman. I think this is where the homosexual relationships are such an abomination to the Lord. They mock the very picture of the beautiful relationship between God and His people. Much can be expounded upon about this great mystery, but for our application this week...
Be strong in submitting to others in respect and honor, as if to the Lord. Be strong in loving our wives as our own bodies, considering their needs even above our own. Be strong in constantly digging into the Word and allowing the Word to be prevalent in our lives. Be strong in our daily example of leadership and love.