Meeting 10/31/20
Phil. 3:18-21.
I suppose there's a lot one could say about this passage, but as I pray through it, I feel led to just focus on a couple of main points. I'm reminded that we were made for heaven. That's where we belong. This world and its existence ain't it. We've made our lives out to be mostly about this place and its things, but that's not what we were made for. We are too weak in our vision of heaven. If we were stronger, we would be more inspired to bring God glory by completing the work He gave us to do here. Secondly, it's another good reminder that He is in the business of conforming us into His image throughout this life's journey. He is still Creator God, molding and making new character traits in us to show the world Jesus' love and truth that they may come to know Him as Lord and Savior.
Sadly, there is much opposition to our Lord and His Way; therefore, we have many enemies in this world. It's true, evil is a real and present, powerful force that influences mankind continually. But take heart, for Jesus has overcome the world. And greater is He that is within you than he that is in the world. You're on the winning team. We win. In fact, the battle is as good as won. The victory is ours! God has dealt with sin already and evil is on borrowed time. I'm not sure if Satan knows his time is short, but it's true. God's will is to be done, where evil is judged and destroyed once and for all.
Eyes up, friends. Heaven is near. It's going to be glorious. Make the most of every opportunity, for our time is short as well. Let the kingdom come!