"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." John 16:33.
"Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart." Heb. 12:3.
Jesus was the One who said those words in John. I believe they still very much apply today. He always prepares us for what's coming. He is our Shepherd that goes ahead of us. He's fighting our battles. He's leading. He doesn't abandon, neglect, forget, or get caught off-guard. He doesn't want us to lose heart and quit following Him. He wants us to fly. He wants us to be our best for His glory. Think about it. This is a huge deal. You have to believe this to be true. There are folks that have been hurt or discouraged to the point they don't believe it anymore. They need to be held by the Shepherd. They need to hear His heart beat for them. John reclined on Jesus' breast at the Last Supper in the most intimate setting. The effect is profound and inspiring. Jesus loves us. He is Faithful and True. He is our only real source of satisfaction, though we turn and run to so many different sources along our way. We look to achievement, self-reliance, beauty, popularity, entertainment, hobbies, or whatever other temporary source of pleasure.
What is the difference between a saved and unsaved person in this world? How can you discern? One giant distinction is peace. The peace of God is a real deal. This world continues to get crazier and more violent. Lifestyles continue to get more harried and chaotic. It's gotten rough out there. But peace is listed in Galatians as a fruit of the Holy Spirit. If you are saved, you have the Spirit residing in you, so His character is available to you at all times. It's how Jesus was able to sleep in the stern of the boat during the storm. That's crazy impossible, if you think about it. Indeed, what is impossible for man is possible with God. It is exceedingly difficult to have peace in the world today-almost impossible. He never said this was going to be easy. I believe this is the reason a lot of folks turn back and give up. They had a preconceived notion that they would get saved, all their problems would be solved, and they would live a trouble-free life. Well, that day is coming, friends, but we are not in heaven quite yet! Read about Jesus' tough road and take heart again. Don't give up. Get back in the game and finish your race. Get tough in all your stuff. Don't live down. Live up. Be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. Put your faith where your fear is. Trust Him with all of your heart, even when it doesn't feel good, because He is good.
He may not speak audibly, but if we are in His word regularly, we will discern His voice of truth and adopt His mindset. He may show up in our thoughts to bring direction or wisdom. There is no limit to His ability to communicate. In an intimate relationship, you get to know the other person. You do things with them. You think about them. You talk to them. You draw close together. You meet regularly. You want to do what they like to do. You want to avoid doing what they don't like. You feel unity of values and priorities. You even begin becoming like them in character and personality. That's the relationship Jesus is offering us, as well.
What did He mean by "in me"? That seems to be the critical clause He used in the verse. Only "in Him" can we have peace. It is imperative that we stay intimately connected to Him at all times. We basically need to be like Him. How? He promised to transform and renew our minds, as we engage with His Word regularly. The Holy Spirit consistently points to His character. He molds us in His image, as the potter works the clay. Our lives should be recognized as intertwined with His. His mind, His values, His philosophies, His habits, His ways, His words, His actions, should become ours. It's the spirit of true adoption, where, we, His adopted children, become like Him. He is the vine, we are the branches. We are simply extensions of His very existence. He moves and acts even through us to affect others around us! We are connected to His life blood- the very source of life itself. Some of us need His breath to once again breathe on our dry bones that they may come back to life and restore our energies and passion for Christ. May we also breathe life into others through our words and deeds.
The spirit of adoption is a curious, yet powerful thing. Indeed, the Greater adopts the Lesser, extending an invitation and a promise of family, but it's the Lesser's response to that invitation that everything hinges on. The Lesser essentially is faced with the choice of whether to adopt the Greater's influence. If a child refuses, they call it Attachment Disorder, and they continue down a path of dysfunction and unhealthy perspectives. If the child attaches to the parent, they have peace, solidarity, and joy. They know love. They learn to trust and are comfortable in relationship. They become like the Greater. Their wings begin to unfurl so they may fly and overcome the world. That's basically what Jesus is inviting us to participate in. Our response to His invitation and adoption of us is critical to producing results. If we are willing to adopt and accept His leadership and influence, He will produce fruits of the Holy Spirit and develop His character within us-all for His glory.
How do we "hang" in there in all this stuff? Seems, a lot of marriages have ended because someone gets tired of the same things that have been going on since they began getting to know each other. Someone finally gets tired of it and is done. It's the same in dealing with jobs, churches, friendships, and children. We need some protection against getting tired and giving up. Our hope should be solidly placed in the Lord. Since He never gives up or gets tired, we can let Him hold us in these relationships ( as long as they aren't abusive, etc.) People leave all too quickly. We need the patience and longsuffering of God Himself in these relationships. That's the only way we can hang in there. We need to be encouraged regularly, as well. We should be in His Word, praying, and meeting with other solid believers consistently.
The only thing we need to give up on is this notion that we deserve to live a trouble-free existence. I believe our frustration is a result of the hope of heaven He put in our hearts, but we simply aren't there yet. He told us we would have trouble here on Earth. Half the battle is knowing you are in a battle. Then you can get to work on overcoming the challenges. Don't let trouble surprise you. Somehow, in His sovereignty, He allows certain undesirable problems to effect our lives. Go back and read the Job story. How do you think he felt? He had all the worldly success one could imagine, living a much blessed life, then lost it all in 20 minutes! And he didn't have a bible to read and understand! Plus, he had three sorry friends giving him condemnation. Ah, may we be better friends than that. Remember, condemnation pushes us away from the Lord, but it's conviction that draws us closer to Him.
Bad company corrupts good character, the Proverb says. For sure, we need to teach this truth to our kids because many a bad decision has been made around the influence of bad company. I believe it also applies to the mature believer. For me, I have to be careful when I'm alone. I become the bad company! I need to recognize those potential moments of vulnerability and make the most of them in a positive way: read, pray, contemplate, write, play music, etc. Don't entertain negative or depraved temptations and thoughts. Capture them and deliberately cast them away. Don't let those seeds take root. Stand firm on the positive truths about who God is and who He says you are. Know without a doubt what He thinks of you. Be strong in His character because you know Him. He is your salvation. He holds it in His hands. Rest in that.
You will have trouble in this world. Take heart. He has overcome the world. If you remain in Him, you will have peace that transcends understanding and you too, will overcome the world. He's already won the victory for us. Follow Him!