Meeting 10/27/18
Rejoicing, Thanksgiving, and Prayer..

​It's hard to believe it's been a month already since we last met.  Shocking.  My, how time is flying!  But are we having fun?  It doesn't seem that way!  These are some crazy busy times we are living in.  Perhaps I just forgot to write the summary of a meeting we had in the last month?  Probably not likely.  But you see, I've got this memory problem.  My mind is full of junk that really doesn't matter in life.  So, I can't remember if we met or not!  One of the most frustrating things about my memory is forgetting the daily devotionals, studies, sermons, etc.  I try, I really do.  But unless I pull out the text or notes, it's just not available for my usage.  It's gone!  It truly is maddening.  It's as if my mind is pulled into another dimension, where I have to focus on other things to the point where I can't recall what is truly important in life. So, it doesn't feel right.  It doesn't seem like the way I'm called to live.

Last time we met, we dove into the beginning of our RTP study for the Fall season.  Our first look into the text of Phillippians 4:4 immediately commanded us to rejoice in the Lord.  "Rejoice in the Lord always.  I say again, rejoice!"  Well, I have failed-big time!  I totally blew it.  Not only have I not complied with a direct order, I've been quite miserable in doing so!  It truly has been a challenging time period.  

Why did Paul repeat the command to rejoice?  I sit here today, like a child being scolded by his Papa.  "I told you once already.  Now, I'm going to tell you one more time, young man!"  I can sense the emotion ramping up, as he emphasizes the importance of this command.  Rejoice!  

An unruly teenage attitude might respond, "yeah, yeah.  Blah blah blah.  What's the big deal? It's not as if my life depends on it."  Oh?  I think Paul would beg to differ.  I think he would argue that your life does actually depend on it.  I think this is why we have so many walking zombie Christians in the world today.  We are the walking dead.  There is no life in us.  In fact, the world and our selfish ambitions have zapped the joy right out of us.  How?  Worry, fear, and anxiety are joy zappers.  They are like those bug zappers on the back porch in the summer.  Bzzz...bzzz...bzzz.  Each time, another one bites the dust.  Anxiety has got to be the greatest buzz kill of all time.  It steals joy in an instant.  Jesus came that we might have life abundantly, but we are so concerned with our worldly situations, we are lifeless.  

"Danny boy, can you tell me, where's your joy?"  I remember writing that song.  Hey!  I remembered something!  Yay!  Celebrate!  In this rat race we are in, worry, fear, and anxiety are side effects and symptoms of a control problem.  We want things to go our way.  That's how we pray and that's how we think.  I think we now feel entitled to things going a certain way.  It must be because we get our way so often, perhaps?  Oh, but if things are uncertain or difficult or contrary to our vision of the good life... look out!  Joy abandons ship!  It's out of here!

Okay, let's get down to it.  What are some things to rejoice in?  First, Paul says to rejoice in the Lord.  I believe that speaks of relationship with Him.  I'm talking about a fired up, intimate love/friend/papa relationship where you want to be with Him, talk with Him, do things with Him, etc.  You want to share life together.  You become like Him.  You think like Him.  You talk like Him.  You wear His clothes.  You get the point?  Whew!  I should've worn my steel-toed boots for this sermonette!  I didn't know my toes would get stepped on like this.  Very convicting.  

I can rejoice in my salvation.  That's one thing the world can never steal away from me.  I'm saved.  So, no matter what happens in this life, I'm good for the next one.  He's got that deal wrapped up and sealed.  David prayed that God restore the joy of his salvation in the Psalms.  That's a good reminder.  I believe we can use that to our advantage.  It's like knowing the final score already, where you know for a fact your favorite team won the game, but you haven't gotten the chance to watch the game on the recording yet.  You can watch it at a later time, with joy and peace, not perturbed at the various setbacks and challenges along the way.  Think about that for a minute.  We know we win.  We know He wins.  We are on His team.  We are going to heaven.  Relax.  Don't worry so much about what happens along the way. Your trophy and reward are coming.  Your best days are ahead of you, still to come.  He's holding you close during this great, but short adventure on earth.

Forgiveness is a great joy restorer.  Not forgiving is a giant buzz kill for joy.  I think the Lord is calling us to forgive at a more liberal pace in this life.  Forgive that guy that drove that way.  Forgive those folks that did that horrible thing to you.  Forgive the situation, the failures, the issues, the problems.  Release them into the Father's hands.  When we forgive, we can find joy slowly filling back in, like the tide rising onto the beachheads.  Let them go.  Oh, and don't forget to forgive yourself!  Satan will always try to make you remember your failings and sins.  You need to stand firm on the promises and truth of God permanently dealing with your sins and claim the forgiveness that is rightfully yours.  You need to forgive yourself.  Give yourself grace.  Give yourself a break.  Have patience with your humanity.  It's a part of your humility.  It's a part of loving yourself like you are to love your neighbor.  Treat yourself the way you want others to treat you.  There is truly freedom in forgiveness and I think we've been enslaved by not forgiving.  It's a huge joy zapper.

Perspective is another area we are struggling in.  This job is a blessing.  Those kids are a gift.  This town is the place I'm to bloom where I'm planted.  This challenge is an opportunity.  Do you hear the positivity in each of those declarations?  Instead, we are inclined to focus on all that is not right or anything that doesn't seem to be in our favor.  Think about this for a bit and see if there is a change you can make.  Joy is waiting for you on the other side of this decision.  I'm not knocking the fact that there are real, challenging issues within this life that are quite troublesome, dangerous, and shameful.  Trust me, I know all is not well here on planet earth.  We are not in heaven yet, folks.  Until then, we will have tribulation.  We will suffer.  We will be persecuted.  We will be subjected to great frustration.  All of it is made to drive us to Christ and long for His redemption.  We are called to live in dependent relationship with our God.  We are to even consider it pure joy when we are faced with such difficulties.  Look at them with positivity.  Surely, there are times in your life, when you can look back in hindsight and say, "Well, if that bad thing hadn't happened, I wouldn't have learned or experienced or had that other thing happen".  Now, even before He delivers you through this thing, before He enlightens you with hindsight, have faith and trust Him ahead of time. You're going to be okay.  Breathe.  Your very breath is evidence of His presence with you.  He breathed life into Adam with His very breath and it is this very breath that is the source of our lives today.  He is with you, even now.  Let that truth empower you to truly live with joy-always.