This is interesting.  There was a really good message of truth in this meeting, but I can't remember the details.  A pretty hard lesson here and now.  Sure, God could miraculously remind me by His Spirit, and probably will when the time comes and it is needed.  But the simple point to me would be:  when a good truth comes, write it down quickly, for the thief is on the prowl, ready to steal the seed that God has planted.  I simply procrastinated writing this summary and am paying the price.  One phone call may or may not solve the problem, for who else might have written it down on their hearts or on paper?  They were probably counting on me!  What's worse is, due to my neglect I have missed the application of the truth.   I write these summaries as part of history or His story.  This is His ministry as He leads.  These are the truths He is bringing to build His kingdom and fulfill His purpose for Amarillo Firefighters for Christ.  I chastise myself for being unfaithful, for I know He expects us to actually do something here!  He expects us to mature and be responsible in being good stewards of the blessings and fields of responsibility.  He is growing disciples here and has a great desire for me!  He has great plans for me!  He loves me more than I can fathom!  He has called me His, His child, His son, His man, His disciple.  I pray that He can count on me, through the power of His Holy Spirit, that I may do the work He has allotted for me to do while on this Earth.  May I let Him develop the desire to truly bring Him glory from my life!  What else am I here for?  To go through the motions?  Fill a quota?  Check off a list?  Ah, I know He must have so much more in store for me through a loving, personal relationship with Him.  I know that is real and not just flowery words.  I know He would encourage me to continue doing what I'm doing to the end.