Jesus Calling
Jesus Trees

There's all kinds of trees out there. You can tell what kind they are by
their fruit. Before they produce fruit, it may be difficult to tell. There are
some that look like a certain kind, but are not. So, what kind of tree do we
want to be? We want to be Jesus trees, bearing the fruit of Jesus, the
fruit that only He can bring. Sometimes, He allows us to see external fruit
in our lives, such as growth, kids, family, jobs, etc. Sometimes, it may be internal fruit, such as
peace, strength, faith, wisdom, etc. Other times, you may not see the fruit at all. The key is that
it can only be God that brings the fruit. This life is for His glory, not ours.

Looking more closely at the tree analogy, the roots provide stabilization and a route for nourishment.
The trunk is first, the branches second. I think we struggle with this fact. Too many
times, we put us branches first. Too much care about "the branch", not enough about "the
trunk". Jesus said, "I am the vine, you are the branches". Life becomes dysfunctional when a
tree tries to grow upside down. It just doesn't work. The branch is an extension of the vine/
trunk. It must maintain a vital connection to the vine. Everything depends on that connection.
Now, the branch is privileged to participate in some amazing processes! At the tips of the
branches are leaves. Leaves get to be a part of photosynthesis and the process of growing
fruit. There is a constant flow of communication from branches back to the vine. The vine
draws nourishment or "life blood" from the roots and provides it to the branches. The vine provides
everything the branches need for life. A branch can be fully alive, as a branch, only because
of the vine. It can be fully itself, just as intended. "Apart from me, you can do nothing."

The branches participating in scientific processes represents our joy. It is amazing to be a part
of these miracles of transpiration and fruit bearing. The branches' continued connection and
communication with the vine represents our life. We are walking dead without it. The branches'
sinewy independence as they extend out from the trunk, defying gravity, represents our trust
that the vine will hold us up and let us participate in exciting adventure. This is like kids starting
to go out from their parents a little bit, or a young bird learning to fly, but mommy is right there.
The branches and leaves movement in the wind represents our faith. The action of leaves
quaking is witness to the presence of the wind. We cannot see the wind, but we see the effects
of the wind. This is very similar to our walk with The Lord. We may not see directly, but we
know they are real, by faith, and we can see the effects of His presence. It is our action that
shows our faith. May we continue to grow as Jesus Trees.