Meeting 10/24/20
Phil. 3: 17. "...keep your eyes on those who live as we do."
Paul's confidence is in the Lord. He's very clearly not boasting in himself. He, of all people, remembers and knows where he came from. In fact, the Lord gave him a thorn in the flesh to keep him from becoming conceited. But he is boldly leading by example, convicted to follow the Lord in obedience. Just as Jesus is to be looked upon as our main example in all things, His disciples are in tow, becoming more and more like him over time. Those are our encouraging examples, even now. We need good examples to join up with along this journey to help us stay obedient. Of course, it's a choice, considering there are indeed bad examples out there too. Remember, bad company corrupts good character. It is critically important who we decide to do life with! The more time you spend with someone, the more you become like them! So, be encouraged to spend more and more time with the Lord and He will conform you into His image.
A side note to point out: in this picture of being a good example, peeps are watching you! Let that be motivating to continually be obedient. Be serious about it. Our platform of influence is huge. We might not even realize it, but people are watching how we act and respond to situations. They are listening to our words and body language. They are sensing and perceiving our attitudes. Keep surrendering to Jesus, so they may see Him at work and on the throne of our hearts.