Hardy, har, har. Very punny. It's a wisecrack about the new 'Freedom For-mat' we are doing this Fall season. Just want to get together and discuss what we've been reading, what the Lord's been doing, what challenges we are facing, or whatever the Spirit directs.
It was good to meet again. Can't believe it's already been a month! I've missed it. I need the fellowship, encouragement, and the Word regularly, as a part of my spiritual diet. Man, how time flies! Why is it so ridiculously difficult to get together? Even identifying the reasons only gets us so far. We would still be left with actually doing the action part. Life is just so much easier 'said' than 'done'. But it's good to meet regularly, right? I've even known spouses of the guys in the group that actually want their men to go because they have experienced the benefits of an inspired dad and husband. I would hope that more families would support their members to pursue their bible studies, meetings, missions, service projects, solitude, whatever. I've also known of spouses resenting their men doing such things, to their own detriment. This spiritual walk is no joke. It's serious business. The stakes are high. There just isn't anything more important than walking closely with our Lord and being about His business. We are at our best for all things in this life when we are at our best in our spiritual lives. "Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage each other- and all the more as you see the Day approaching." Heb. 10:25. As Firefighters for Christ, we are called to encourage each other to live out our lives for Christ. One way to do that is by meeting regularly. Don't give up on it. It becomes a bad habit all too quickly. Before you know it, much, much time has passed.
Phil. 1:20-21: "I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death. For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain." This is where I've been hanging out in my Bible for awhile now. Sure, I dabble in the different devotional contents, the Psalms, and passages from church, but this is where I keep coming back to dwell. It's got me in His grip, in a way, to where I can't move on just yet. I like it when He does this. There is so much He can do and is doing here. Not only is He working on my motives, inspiration, purpose, and foundation, but also He is preparing me once again for what lies ahead. He always prepares us for what's coming, even if we don't realize it. Even more reason to stay in the Word regularly, meet regularly, pray regularly, draw near to Him regularly, and apply your faith and His truths regularly to life's issues. You don't have to go looking for opportunities to apply faith, they most certainly abound in each and every day.
One result of dwelling in these verses is developing a deeper humility. I truly pray, hope, and want to better bring Him glory in the things I do and say. "Lifesong", by Casting Crowns.