Meeting 10/17/20
Phil. 3:15-16. "All of us, then, who are mature should take such a view of things. And if on some point you think differently, that too God will make clear to you. Only let us live up to what we have already attained."
What things is Paul referring to? For the most part, it's a reference to his personal proclamation in the preceding paragraph we studied last week. He makes a vow and decides he wants to know Christ, in full, including His sufferings and death, plus the power of His resurrection. He wants to put his flesh and the influences of this world in their place and not look back. He wants to press forward, leaving the past behind, and push toward the goal of winning the prize of heaven.
Committing to such vows takes a real maturity. To get to the point where you want those things takes time and deliberation. The hardest thing in the world for mankind to do is to deny themselves, take up their crosses, and follow Jesus. It's a decision to decrease and let Jesus increase in our lives. We are so distracted here on Earth! Our time and energy is spent on the things of this world. Our focus is continually bombarded with what is required of us here. We tend to be more concerned about our earthly lives than our eternal lives. We need to tear ourselves away from this gravity and turn our eyes up toward heaven. I believe we are much too weak on thoughts of heaven. I know not much is known or taught about heaven, but I believe we know enough to stir the imagination. In fact, I believe we are missing out on some serious blessings even now. We know just enough to conclude that the rewards in heaven are going to be well worth the struggle and suffering here. If we could keep heaven in focus, we would have much more motivation and inspiration to run our race well. We would be in better position to bring Him glory by completing the work He gave us to do.
Paul says if we don't think this way, the Lord will make it clear to us. He is the best teacher and best course-corrector out there! He loves us and wants us to live Godly lives and spend eternity with Him! God understands our human nature and weaknesses. That's why He is patient and gracious to us.
Live up to what we have already attained. This can be taken a number of different ways. Much has been achieved and given to us already, with much more to come. God has done the work of salvation in full. He's given us gifts to use for His kingdom. He's planned good works for us to participate in. He's provided us a purpose to live out. I think it's also a reference to not regress and go backward. I think it's a calling to do what you know to do and not get derailed by what you don't know. I think it's also a recognition that we haven't arrived yet in heaven, but to keep going in God's strength. It's also a realization that we haven't completely become conformed into the image of Jesus yet. But we are to live up and not live down. Live up to what elements and traits you have already received and developed. Exercise them in genuine faith and put them into practice. Live up with your eyes up toward heaven.