Ecclesiastes 11.
Assumptions and expectations are extremely dangerous, especially when it comes to our money. We shouldn't assume our investments will make certain returns and we shouldn't count our chickens before they hatch. The future is always uncertain. Things can change. Anything can happen. Besides financial investments, I believe we do need to give generously to other people. As a part of community, there indeed may be a time where we need help in return. Besides that, it's just the best way to live. Also, we are called to spiritual investments. God is in the salvation business. He wants all people to be with Him where He is. He prayed for it. He died for it. He set forth the Way to make it happen. Are we on board with His plan? Wherever we go, His ministry is in play. We should be always looking for opportunities to plant seeds and share the love of Jesus. We truly have no idea which seeds will take root, so we can be encouraged to simply be Spirit-led to invest in whomever He nudges us to approach. Further, we cannot really understand how God works behind the scenes. It is amazing how He works! He defies all odds and you cannot pin Him down into a formula for spiritual growth or success. He will shockingly bolster the meager and stymie the favorites. You just never know what might happen. We are to plant seeds and trust God to bring the fruit according to His sovereign will.
If you watch the weather or wait for your life situations to settle down before being obedient, you'll probably be waiting forever. Don't make excuses. Be obedient. Be adventurous. Go, do that thing He's calling you to do. Go for that dream that is making your heart come alive. Commit it all to Him and live for His glory. We have but a short time here on Earth. Make the most of these brief days. Be fully aware of life's moments. Appreciate the experiences and be fully engaged in the present. Darker days will come, meaning trouble, hardship, waning health. We are all dying, essentially, so we shouldn't expect anything different to reverse the effects of time. I hope we believers will be leading examples in displaying the proper attitude about death. We should be full of hope and excitement to see our Lord and step into our best days ahead of us. We shouldn't be so wrapped up in this life and all it's disappointments, anxieties, stresses, and injustice. There should be no fear of death, in spite of all the horror movie plots and agendas. "I've been crucified with Christ. I no longer live..." We've made the giant transaction. We've let go of control for our lives. We've entrusted God to live through us and direct our paths. Therefore, we really hold no right to complain about our circumstances. Again, it's our expectations and assumptions that derail our faith and joy. We are appalled that we have to live with chronic pain or want or struggle with sleep or finances or accidents or unfair treatment or persecution or whatever is contrary to the world's vision of successful and vivacious living. We need to get over this and let it go. God is in control of our lives. He is writing His story on our life pages. Accept what He allows. Be thankful for the lot He has given. Trust Him to bring good out of even the most difficult of issues we are having to walk through. That's real faith in God.