Meeting 10/5/19

Conformed to His Image...

One of the first steps into this vast wilderness of being conformed into the likeness of Christ involves realizing the power and purpose of the Holy Spirit.  I'm convinced we can't do it without Him.  It's all about His presence.  Jesus was perfectly in tune with the presence of the Holy Spirit.  He lived by the Spirit.  He had crucified His flesh and won the battle that we ourselves face every day.  I could not even possibly estimate the number of days I have walked only in my flesh and neglected the presence of the Holy Spirit.  I'm quite guilty of going my own way and forgetting that He is with me.  That could be why I'm still on spiritual milk and not meat.  I reckon my maturity has suffered because of it and I've also missed out on giant opportunities involving both deeds and relationships.  But my unfaithfulness doesn't negate His faithfulness.  He lives inside of me and is always with me. I'm just not always aware of it or with Him.  Jesus wasn't like that.  He is my perfect example of living out a life of dependence on the power of the Holy Spirit.  

A vision of Jesus's life and character should continually be at the forefront of our minds.  We should periodically reread the accounts as recorded in the Gospels to review.  Let me just tell you that, personally, my best days are when I am living by the Spirit, aware of His presence.  These are the days I am not afraid of anything.  These are the days I am confident.  These are the days I see people more like God does perhaps.  These are the days I truly love people as I should.  These are the days I pray genuinely.  These are the days I seem to have more of the heart of God.  These are the days I'm at peace.  These are the days I feel the deepest satisfaction.  These are the days I sense a purpose-driven life.  These are the days I listen better.  

I could go on and on.  These are truly the best days I live.  But oh, they are way too few and far between.  What a struggle this has been!  It makes sense though.  Not only am I fully human, with free will and a bent towards sin, and a heart that's prone to stray, but I stepped into a battle, with a target on my back the moment Jesus saved me!  We need to teach our kids these truths!  We are wretched humans, desperately in need of a Savior and we are in a war against spiritual powers!  Wake up and put your armor on!  Make a legitimate effort to realize He is with you more and more.  Take note of the difference it makes.  God will bring the fruit.  Let's go.  For His glory.