Spiritual Optimism
Experiencing God, Day by Day Devotional, by Blackaby
October 4, 2003.
"Then David said to the Philistine, 'You come to me with a sword, with a spear, and with a javelin.  But I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.  This day the Lord will deliver you into my hand.'"  (1 Samuel 17: 45-46)

David was certainly an optimist!  Regardless of his circumstances, David could always see God's activity!  A pessimist focuses on the problems, concentrating on the reasons why something cannot be done.  The optimist sees those same problems, but he sees them from the perspective of God's presence. 
David was just a young boy when he faced Goliath, an intimidating veteran warrior who freightened even the bravest Israelite soldier.  As he prepared for battle, David saw that Goliath was a giant.  He heard his boastful taunts.  He could not fail to notice his enemy's weapons:  a sword, a shield, and a javelin.  David did not barge into the battle unprepared for a fight.  He armed himself with five smooth stones.  David was prepared for God to grant him victory with the first stone he hurled at the giant or the fifth.  David was ready to accept God's victory, whether it came easily or with much effort.
Optimists do not ignore the difficulties; they are keenly aware of them.  But the knowledge of God's presence prevents them from becoming discouraged or giving up.  It is impossible to stand in the presence of God and be a pessimist!
The account of David and Goliath vividly pictures the source of the Christian's faith - not our own size, strength, or resources, but the power of almighty God.  If we focus on our oppostion and problems, they will seem gigantic.  But as we focus on God, we will see our situation in the proper perspective and be assured that all things are possible with God (Phil. 4:13)