Meeting 10/2/20
Phil. 3:7-9.
What good is it to gain the world but lose your soul? So much about this life is wrapped up in accomplishment, achievement, and gain. Ah, but it just doesn't cut it! Why can't we learn from Solomon's life as described in Ecclesiastes? He gained the world for sure, but was left empty and disillusioned. It just doesn't satisfy.
Jesus said whoever loses his life will find it. We are to lay worldly pursuits down, keep them in their place, and have the proper perspective about our humble position in this relationship with God. We should consider everything as garbage compared to knowing and gaining Jesus. Trying to earn righteousness by keeping the law or living a good life is worthless. Our righteousness is bestowed upon us by Jesus Himself. We are nothing apart from Him. Our good deeds are like dirty rags compared to the saving work He has done for us.
We will be blessed if we put our trust in the Lord and have our confidence rooted in Him, as Jeremiah 17 states. He is serious about us being serious about obedience. He has a great interest in our doing what He says. That's a huge reason He gave us His Word. If we will be obedient to Him, He will bless us with so much more than the world could ever give. Just do what He says, friends. It's the best way to live anyway. You will not only be satisfied, but you will know you are pleasing God and that you will receive His blessings for eternity.
What are you not doing currently that you should get back to doing or get started doing? What is He nudging you to do? Hint: we have to be reading His word to know what He wants us to do. Just do it.