Meeting 9/30/17
Ecclesiastes 10.

The old 'fly in the ointment' ploy.  Just one fly can mess up perfume, just like one bad apple can ruin the bunch.  Bad company corrupts good character, the proverb says.  Be careful who you hang out with.  It really matters.  It can change the whole course of your life.  Teach this to your kids.  Remember, the more you hang out with someone, the more like them you become.  So, we should be hanging out with Jesus more!  

The other element to this first verse in Chapter 10 is one bad decision can mess up a whole lot of good things.  Making that choice to sin either just once or over and over again does have an impact.  Let's be motivated to do our best to live uprightly, connected to the Holy Spirit, and realizing He is right there with us.  We won't be perfect, but some of these bad choices are selfish and weak, sometimes originating out of spite, anger, or frustration.  Let's run to our true Source for peace and encouragement before we take matters into our own hands.  One bad choice can mess up a whole lot of progress.  It's so very difficult to regain trust once it is lost.  It's much better to earn trust and keep it!

Other parts of this chapter contrast the foolish and the wise.  Their paths are different.  Their perspectives and motivations are different.  The see and hear differently.  Their words are definitely different.  Their actions prove their differences- and we are able to discern between the two by their fruits.  

A few other nuggets in the chapter include:  we need to stay calm during stressful situations.  Don't succumb to prideful passion and selfish agendas.  Submit and seek peace instead of getting angry.  Accidents happen to everyone.  Don't take them personally.  Trust the Lord to bring good out of them.  Sure, the devil wants to use them to discourage and derail your faith, but stay calm and trust the Lord through it.  He is sovereign.  If He brings you to it, He'll bring you through it.  Be skillful at what you do.  Apply yourself to the work and talents He has given you.  He wants to use you to make a difference in the world.  But don't let them become idols.  Love the Lord more than those things.  Don't talk too much.  People tune out when you say too many words and talk about only yourself.  Listen better.  It shows you care.  Don't be lazy.  Prove your faith by your actions.  Do the hard yards.  Do the work of obedience.  Pace yourself for a marathon, not a sprint.  Hang tough through the grind.  Work as if working for the Lord.  It is He you need to be concerned about pleasing, not man.  Do your best to make things right and fitting.  There is much dysfunction in the world.  Do things properly and play your part well.  Things are a mess when they are done improperly.  Money is not the answer for everything, but it sure seems like that's the way the world operates.  Money buys insulation and convenience.  It strengthens our pride, but weakens our resolve and dependence on the Lord for provision, if we aren't careful.  Support your bosses and leaders, even in private.  Do your best to be positive and supportive, knowing you aren't in their position and can't see the whole picture they see.  If you were in their position, you would want others to support you instead of speak ill of you behind your back!  Remember, it's from the heart the mouth speaks.  Get this stuff right in your heart and you'll be more apt to be real, authentic, and genuine.  You'll actually be a benefit instead of a hindrance.  You'll have more peace because you are less resistant and more cooperative. Let Godly wisdom prevail and bring Godly fruit in your life.