Meeting 9/28/19
“Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness…” Gen. 1:26.
“For those God foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son…” Rom. 8:29.
The Lord has spoken. I have heard His voice. He wants His people to be conformed into the image of His Son. The Rabbi’s choosing of disciples says, “I believe you have what it takes to be like Me.” And so begins a life dedicated to cooperating with the process God designed and created.
Why are we here? Why did God create humans? What does He want us to do? What is His will? What is our purpose for existence? What is the meaning of life? These are all questions I’ve heard and even pondered myself on this journey. I’m now convinced the answer is to be conformed into the image of His Son. This Lifetime Achievement Award is our calling and purpose, as well as God’s great desire within the design.
I don’t think it necessarily means we have to do certain things or even follow a step by step formula. He has given us free will to choose and do various things, some according to the gifts and passions He Himself planted within us. Any activity we engage in should fall under and submit to this truth and calling. Therefore, “whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ”. Col. 3: 17. So, in that regard, it doesn’t matter exactly what you do, but how you do it and who or what He is creating in you through it.
What does it look like, to be conformed into His image? What fruit or evidence is there to observe and count as genuine and real? I stand at the edge of this wilderness. If I’m honest, I’m a bit hesitant to take that first step. But indeed, I must take that step of faith after all, for I have heard His voice. He beckons me further in on a journey of discovery and exploration. Where will this lead? What will it look like? I’m not sure; therefore, the hesitancy. All I know is I must go. He is calling me to follow Him. I have to go find out what that means. I believe His character will become my character, His words my words, His thoughts my thoughts, His deeds my deeds. I think He wrote His Word with this process in mind. I want to read it with those type of lenses. I also can predict that He allows and uses our situations and trials to conform us into His likeness. I want to look at my struggles and weaknesses in that light. I sense a strength and power, as well as a confidence and positivity on this path. It’s radically exciting because it’s a radically different focus. Sigh. Here we go…