I know it's right. The Spirit confirms it. If I will simply seek the Lord with all of my being, putting that relationship as my first priority, all of my circumstances pale in comparison to knowing Him. They all take their rightful place. It is then possible to get through anything on this earth. After all, I was created to bring Him glory. It follows that if I am close to my Lord, it is then that I am more closely becoming the man He is calling me to be. In a way, I can then reach my potential. Similarly, it is then that I can truly love the way He wills. My other relationships will certainly benefit from such! This is the best I can give them!
Busyness is a trap. I have been blessed with many interests and skills thereof, but the many different hats that I wear causes my head to spin. Suddenly my relationship with the Lord is not where it should be. Maybe I feel distant from Him. Even ministry work can become this distraction if it becomes busyness. If I succeed in making my relationship with Him, my number one first love, then I will start better doing the activities in line with His will for me and begin stopping engaging in ones that really aren't that beneficial. He knows what's best for me. It's like if I am close to Him, I learn what He likes and what He doesn't like, and I begin to move further away from the things He doesn't like, because I don't want to hurt Him or our relationship. This sounds exactly like the design of marriage and relating to spouses to me.
My rest is the thing at the end that suffers from busyness or pursuing life at break neck speed. Jesus knew the importance of rest. This means saying 'no' to some activities and even some people that may send the rare invitation my way. Oh, how nice it feels to be wanted or truly invited, as if someone really wants to share my company or share an interest. These are the tough ones to turn down, especially since they seem so rare in occurrence. Maybe they wouldn't be so rare and maybe I wouldn't feel like I had to turn them down because I'm so strung out and tired from running at tilt speed that I could slowly turn the tide and find myself able to healthily accept those special invitations, plus be more available for needs that arise. This is all part of looking into the mirror each morning and asking that burning question, "How badly do I want to be the Lord's disciple today?". May God get the glory.
There is a peace and great contentment that comes over me that I know is right and cannot be replaced. Where do I get off thinking there is more? In truth, it is simply discovering His love. This stirs an awesome passion to follow my Lord and inspires me to do but one great thing: love. And what did the Lord say was the greatest commandments? Love Me with all you've got and love others the same way. This is His way. I want to walk in it. His love is enough.