Meeting 9/20/14
Ephesians 3:1-13.

The mystery has been revealed to Paul and now he wants all Gentiles to understand this good news available to them.  The Gentiles are heirs together with Israel!  They are members of this united body of believers through Christ.  They share in the promise of salvation and eternal life in heaven.  Paul is their servant, a testimony of this grace and gift of God.  Somehow, heavenly spirits and evil spiritual rulers and authorities now see the great wisdom and love of God by this truth revealed in us.  God accomplished all of this through Jesus.  He is how we can approach God with freedom and confidence.  Nothing can separate us from His love, not even suffering for Him by being imprisoned for preaching this message.

We must be strong in serving Christ.  We must be strong in the freedom He has provided.  We must be strong in our confidence to approach Him and have a relationship.  We must be strong even in our suffering for Him.