Today I get to choose whether or not I believe that if I continue to yearn for making my relationship with God my top priority that everything else will be in its proper place, setting the stage for my life to reach its maximum potential. This is the daily, simple routine of faith. Can I believe this despite the noise of my surroundings, situations, circumstances, trials, business, all encompassed in other relationships?
Every day I get the opportunity to trust God with everything that besieges my mind. Ah, just to more and more completely surrender to His will, yet eagerly and patiently awaiting His signature to appear. Look where He's taken me in the last few years. Notice the solid ground that is being built up even in the last year. Observe the truths that have arisen from the desert. "Come and taste, see that the Lord is good." Yes, I agree that it is good.
Part of discipleship is learning the Godly training to faithfully put everything in its proper place, even unto forsaking them, letting them go, or surrendering them to the power and authority of Christ over my life. Truly, I must "count the cost" of following Him. Along with that comes the necessary "remembering" of what He's done for me, from where He's brought me, etc. These truths are powerful weapons to help me through the dark times and propel me into more faith in Him. Then I start to see how there are much greater things being done in my life than my surroundings elude to. Today He brought me through Deut. 8 to see a picture of Him working in His people's lives, an example of His great love for me.