Meeting 9/13/14
Ephesians 2:11-22.

Israel is considered the chosen people.  They are the family of Christ.  Gentiles are everyone else.  Until now.  Because of Jesus, Gentiles have been brought into the family through the blood of Christ.  There is now nothing separating us from becoming united with other people and with God.  We can now have true peace in our lives and in the world.  We all have access to the Father and no longer need a priest to represent us in His presence because we all have Jesus to represent us.  We are no longer aliens, but fellow citizens and family members.  Jesus is the cornerstone of this church God is building.  And He is our personal cornerstone, as He is building within us a temple of the Holy Spirit.

We must be strong in the desires of God, including wanting others to become saved.  We must be strong in peace.  We must be strong in allowing Jesus to be the cornerstone we build our lives upon.