The Millennium is over and now it's time for a new heaven and a new earth. God will dwell with man. That's what He's always wanted and intended from the very beginning, proving it in the Garden of Eden when He walked with Adam. He builds a new Jerusalem, as described in Chapter 21. It's huge and it's beautifully brilliant. Cube-shaped, with 12 vertical levels and 1,500 mile borders, makes it bigger than our moon. We will be able to go in and out of the giant city. He promises no more tears, no more death, no more pollution, and no more separation of peoples, as there will be no more seas. Do you believe all of this? He had John write this prophesy down so we could see it in black and white on paper. It will happen. He said He's going to make all things new. He's Faithful and True.
So, what do we do with so much futuristic imagery and prophesy? What does that mean for us today, knowing we will already in heaven when these events take place? We are encouraged to set our hearts on things above. Our minds should be more on our future in heaven. When we get there, it will become obvious that life is about bringing glory to God; therefore, we have a need to carefully examine how we are living now on earth. Let's not be so concerned about our lives now. When we get to heaven, we may wish we had been more about spiritual things. Also, I believe there is more to His rewards than we can imagine. Let's be motivated to live for Him today. It will matter for our tomorrow, in heaven. This world will be completely forgotten when we get there, I bet. We won't be concerned with what's not there. We won't be whining for Him to send us back, I reckon.
Notice John doesn't quote scripture word for word in his writings, but he's accurate. He's a good example for us to be in the Word, take it in, digest it, and from the heart, let the mouth speak truth. If you have the understanding of what the Word is saying, you can regurgitate it in your own words, with the Holy Spirit's help. We should be free of thinking we are required to memorize the entire bible. Memorizing certain scriptures has a definite purpose and benefit, but we need to keep the main thing the main thing and gain the understanding of what He's telling us in the Word.
Notice, in the new Jerusalem, diamonds and pearls are a part of its construction. Diamonds are made from decayed, rotten, dead organic material that turned into coal. It takes years of pressure and heat to transform it into diamond. Pearls begin as an irritating, foreign impediment inside a clam. The clam emits saliva and works to form a shell around the intrusion. Over the years, it's polished into a valuable pearl. So take heart. Have the patience of God and know He is working in your life. Trust Him. Keep plowing ahead. Remember the parable of the Pearl of Great Price? Jesus is the farmer that found the pearl, sold everything He had to purchase the land, then took possession of the pearl. We are that pearl He purchased with His life. That's how much He loves us.
Let's not grow tired of evangelizing. People are desperate for grace in the world. Think about that very last believer, coming unto salvation, that triggers the rapture of the church. Who will that last Christian be? Is the Lord waiting on you to witness to that guy or that neighbor? Listen to the Holy Spirit and be brave and courageous to share the gospel and your testimony to whomever the Lord prompts you to witness to.
Make sure you put forth the necessary effort to hang out with other believers. That fellowship is critical. Sometimes, that's how the Lord reveals His will to you as He speaks through His people.
Where do you get your refreshment and revelation from? In Chapter 22, we see the River of Life comes from the throne of God. If you're tired and weary, like myself, you need to be continually returning to the throne of God for refreshment and encouragement. Even if you don't feel like it, praise and worship Him. Somehow, that is always therapeutic and healthy. It's how He stimulates us and breathes life into our dry bones and dead hearts.
In heaven, work won't be a bummer. We will feel privileged to go to work and have a job. Why not now? Why can't we cultivate that attitude here? You see, troubles in life never really go away, though we live in a culture that is enslaved by the eternal pursuit to be insulated and insured against problems. We will find freedom when we release the idea that we can live a trouble-free existence. He said we would have trouble here. He said they would persecute us. We are strangers here, subjected to frustration, so that we would be driven to live in dependence of God, not living out of our strength and ability. Be satisfied and content now. Trust Him enough to be at peace with your circumstances today.
Remember, the things we crave and long for come from heaven. That day is coming, so don't think it comes from that job or that girl or that achievement. This truth should free us from trying to get satisfied from other things and allow us to enjoy life more.
Let's look at other people as Jesus does. Paul mentioned this is 2 Cor. 5:16. If we could just see others as He sees them, we would be closer to fulfilling His two greatest commandments of loving Him and loving people. He said if you love people, you love Him- and if you love Him, you'll love people. I don't know about you, but I struggle with this! I do better with animals! I just really struggle with people and their ways. I also struggle with the silly things I do, though! Other people and myself just frustrate me with their attitudes, words, and actions. Lord, help us in this. There is no way I can do what You want me to do on my own.
There are many people that think it's cruel for the Lord to send folks to hell. Well, He doesn't send them anywhere. We find that they have chosen their path. He has done everything possible to save them. He wants everyone to be in heaven with Him. He would say they could go to hell only over His dead body. He proved that by providing His only Son to die for everyone's sin. No, these folks don't want anything to do with God's program. It's a very satanic character they are cultivating. Satan and his demons didn't want heaven. They wanted to do their own thing. They are full of lies. They promote drugs, division, filthiness, degradation, manipulation, fissure of the family unit, dissolving of marriages, prostitution, immorality, and false religion/spirituality, to name a few. We can trust that the Lord provides everyone with the very best opportunities for salvation. We see that in our study of Revelation. He is a patient God that gives many second chances over time. If, after they've had revelation and have been exposed to grace and the gospel, heard the Word, and given many chances, they still refuse to repent and yet still demand their independence to be selfish and go their own way- God says let them be. Leave them be. Let them go. They will get what they are wanting, but they won't be with Him. These are people that refuse to say they are sorry. They won't repent. They aren't thankful or appreciative. Instead, they shake their fist and curse God. You won't ever hear admittance of their own guilt. They blaspheme God from an angry, defiant, and hard heart. They aren't interested in God or His qualities. They don't want anything to do with Him. They want to be filthy and vile. They continue to indulge further and further into sin. These characters have made their choice. They have established their position and have built their kingdom in a place called hell. If this saddens your heart, think how God must feel, after all He's done for them. He truly loves them and has proven it. Do you?
Thank You, Lord, for bringing us through this study of the Revelation of Jesus Christ. I need the resurrected Christ in my heart every day. I pray it's Easter each morning for us believers. May we keep the words of this book in our hearts. May the Spirit speak through our mouths as we try to love people the way You do. May we accept Your grace and walk in freedom. Let the truth of what and how You think of us inspire us to live empowered lives. Make us tough, Lord, to walk through this life, and in the end, to stand before You. Amen.