A backpack rid of excess gear is lightened, and thus, more easily carried. A runner devoid of extra weight can handle the distance with maximized potential.
Hebrews 11 and 12 describe faith as being sure of what we hope for. We hope to please God by having faith to win this race He has set before us. All the while, the stadium is full of witnesses: those patriarchs who have been down the same path we are on, and stand to cheer in testimony that we can do it, just as they have. Their cries spur us on to the finish line.
In order to run with endurance the trail before us, and to not disappoint our crowd of spectators, and to not displease God Himself, let us throw off everything that might hinder our race. Let us allow the Spirit's fire to burn away all of our impurities so we run pure and strong, as all eyes are on us, and as we continue to focus our eyes on Jesus at the finish line.
What is holding you back from running a good race? Go to the Father and allow Him to reveal any sin that entangles your feet. The crowd is pulling for you. Your brothers are running with you. God is counting on you.