Ecclesiastes 8.
Here's a guy trying to make sense out of life using worldly wisdom and human understanding. He was known as the wisest and richest man to walk the earth. He applied himself to figure life out, but he too, came to an all too common conclusion that we still hear today: "eat, drink, and be merry". Without Jesus, that's really about all we can expect out of life, but by adopting the perspective of Jesus, we participate in a much more purposeful existence. We, along with all the rest of creation, were created to bring God glory. Our lives are designed to honor Him. We are purposed to be extensions of His hands and feet in the world and a part of Him saving His people. He wants everyone to be in heaven with Him and He wants to use us to bring as many as will come. We are to let His light shine and accomplish His purposes during our short stay here on earth. Living for our own vain pursuits, just as Solomon did, just simply doesn't satisfy. It's a meaningless existence that remains but very temporary in nature. Any pinnacles in this fleshly life just fall short of providing any lasting satisfaction. He designed it that way, that we may only find true and lasting satisfaction in Him.
Solomon tried to figure it out, just as many continue to muddle through the confusion today. He concluded that you can't understand it all, you just can't know. Even today, you will hear many different philosophies as a result of people rendering down their purpose for existence and how to process the various elements of life. Let's make sure to not let what we don't know derail us from what we do know. Solomon does have some common sense wisdom, such as obeying the king, or our authorities. Even he perceived that is good advice and will help things go good for you. He also understood no one could predict the future. As we get closer to the end of the Book, how can we honestly say to others, "It'll be okay"? Things are not going to be okay! This life is passing away. His kingdom is moving forward. His Word will come true as He makes everything new. Our only hope is found in Jesus Christ. No one can contain the wind and no one has power over their time of death. This is fitting as Hurricane Harvey pummels the Texas coastline. These storms are humbling and cause us to ponder life's meaning, similar to some effects of funerals and deaths. An interesting comment about wickedness is made in verse 8. During war, no one is discharged. There's no getting out. It's almost impossible, barring suffering a wound. It's the same with wickedness when it grabs hold of you. It will not release you easily and without harm. It's a difficult transaction indeed.
Solomon understood a thing or two about wickedness. He dabbled in it enough and learned the hard way. He agreed that sentences for crimes should be swift and impactful, lest people quickly stray again and follow their heart's evil desires. Another thing that baffled him was how the wicked got what the righteous deserved and the righteous got what the wicked deserved. It just doesn't seem fair or right! We live in a fallen world and life isn't fair. It certainly doesn't make sense and doesn't follow our vision of how things should be. Look how we pray! We pray for everything to go our way, be fixed, be healed, and made right. We are actually praying for heaven! Jesus is going to make a new heaven and a new earth, but until then we need to remember that Satan is the prince of this world! Jesus warned us about this. When we adopt our Savior's perspective, we realize this life ain't it. We would do well to be more heavenly-minded. This is not our home. We were created to be with Jesus for eternity in heaven. Let's help bring as many people with us as He will allow.
The mentioning of labor and getting no sleep got my attention, as I still struggle with sleep. I'm guilty of allowing the cares and concerns of this world impact my mind to the point of not sleeping well. I know there is more work needed in this area, personally. I pray I can not take things so hard and can have better peace about it all. It definitely is a call to faith. I'm to deliberately push away fear and worry. I'm to trust Him wholeheartedly and genuinely. I'm to roll with the Spirit's flow. I'm to be content with what He allows and gives me to deal with in this life. I truly have no right to complain, for the transaction has already been made. "I've been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me." Galatians 2:20.