Meeting 8/22/20
Phil. 2:14-18
"Do everything without grumbling or arguing". It seems all too easy to grumble and complain these days as frustrations mount. This world is out of control and things just don't go the way we pray a lot of the time. I continually have to repent because I find myself grumbling and complaining to God. It's as if I'm discontented about how He's running things. What a pathetic state of mind! Does anyone else struggle with this? I want to believe all things, hope all things, but it's a bad setup for failure because my own understanding carries with it certain expectations of outcomes. I'm called to trust in the Lord with all my heart and lean not on my own understanding, but I keep having to check myself before I wreck myself. Argh! It's time to once again be reminded to walk in the Spirit and seek Spiritual understanding. Am I going to trust Him or not?
"So you may become blameless and pure." I certainly don't feel blameless or pure when I'm acting and thinking like this. A child of God is supposed to act and think differently. He operates with a different understanding and knowledge. I know I'm guilty and probably don't look much different than the warped and crooked generation in which I live. He wants me to "shine among them like stars in the sky and to hold firmly to the word of life". It's a calling to be strong in His truths and promises. It's a beckoning to be strong in the Lord as I face these challenging times.
You want to see your kids following the Lord and doing well. Then you "can boast on the day of Christ that you did not run or labor in vain." But, even if they don't, and your being poured out like a drink offering, you can be glad and rejoice because God is good and He does have a plan to redeem this place. He does know how to manage His kingdom and reach people. He knows what He's doing. Ain't nobody can do it better! Be strong in belief. Be strong in trust. Be glad and rejoice because your best days are just ahead. Count on it.