Meeting 8/8/20
Phil. 2:5-11.
Paul again speaks into our relationships. But this time he takes it up a notch. As a side note, whenever you're looking for an example of how to roll in your relationships, just look to Jesus. He's it. It doesn't get any better. Good talk.
Relationships are iconic in our world and in eternity. They are important to God. A key point to remember, God never messes up a relationship, we do. He's faithful, even when we aren't.
So, here's a calling to have the same mindset as Jesus in our relationships. Whoa! That must be quite a high calling? There's none higher! What does that look like? Definitely not the way the world would portray! Jesus as our example, didn't use His position to His own advantage. He wasn't selfish at all. He is absolutely everything, but instead, made Himself nothing! That is, He made Himself like us! Yes, you and me are absolutely nothing in our humanity and flesh. Paul would also say our good deeds are like menstrual rags. We really are 'nuthin' without Him. Don't be selfish in your relationships. Let it go. Love 'em like Jesus. Give, give, give. Your needs will be taken care of just fine.
Jesus was obedient to death on the cross to pay the price for the sins that would keep us from relationship with God. Therefore, God exalted Him to the highest place and position possible. He went from servant to Savior for you and for me. One day in the future, every single human being will find themselves in front of the King of Kings at the end of their lives. Every one of their knees will bow before His majesty. Every single tongue will finally know the truth and acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord of all. To God be the glory.