Each of the Army of One held speechless as they galloped weightlessly aboard the broad backs of these mighty eagles. The rancid smell of fire and blood reached their nostrils, making them increase their two-fisted grips on the speckled plumage. As they flew, all eyes from the ground were on them as a whole, the marching army a stunning marvel. The King led them to each stop, as more and more eagles were deployed to pick up other fellow believers to join the ever growing army. At each of these enlistments, the King would open his mouth to reveal the sword that sears souls. From the air in formation his words could be heard. Zion Johnson cocked his head in thought, feeling sure he hadn't heard anything when the King had inducted his group. He simply remembered a deep burning inside. He observed each new recruit react as the same two questions from the King echoed all the way to the rear lines. "What think ye of Christ? Will you be a man?" Immediately after each question posed, a thousand different voices filled the air as grass, trees, rocks, animals, and all of creation shouted in unison with a loud voice now loosed from eons of silence. None of the Privates could speak in the recruitments, without exception, but each was tested by the sword of truth to determine their responses. Then the massive eagles would swoop down and nudge them aboard and return in flight to their original positions. Zion looked around at all of the multitudes of birds still flying solo, awaiting their mount. This was a huge army.
As they plodded along to their next appointment, Zion looked around to locate the other members of his group. He saw the drill sergeant's face change from one of fear to one of completeness and peace. He relaxed his grip and patted the bird's flank with one arm. Then Zion noticed the instructor now had a brilliant armor about him as he embraced his position of responsibility in this army. Now flying balanced as one with the eagle, the drill sergeant seemed to take the invisible reins and the two flew acrobatic maneuvers in and out amongst the other soldiers. It was as if they were working together now, each designed to maximize and complement the other. Then Zion observed other members come around with the same facial alteration, armor acquisition, and collection of confidence.
"Okay, God, " Zion determined in his spirit. "Let's do this." He closed his eyes and let go of the eagle's nape, raising his hands in submission. In his mind he saw a vision of his wife and son smiling at him in glory. "Go get 'em, Zion," his wife whispered. "Ride with the King 'til the very end and fight hard. We'll be here waiting for you."
"I'm ready, Lord. Let's do it!" Zion committed, opening his eyes. He looked down at the gold plated mail armor draped over his torso and smiled. He inventoried the broad back of the eagle and found a vast assortment of fighting tools - clubs, spears, blades, and even cool things he'd never even seen before. Then he and the bird began moving effortlessly as one. Like the eagle could read his mind, Zion would simply move his eyes and mind into the maneuver and the bird was already responding. "This is going to be something," Zion thought to himself.
Suddenly a hush came over the marching army as the King held up his hand for them to stop. The stench of fire and blood intensified as they waited to summit a seemingly last saddle before they could overlook the awaiting valley on the other side. What Zion and the others didn't know was that billions of dark armored beings on foot and hoof glared evilly from behind their metal head shields less than a mile in front of them. Hate boiled with every beat of their frozen hearts as they lurked on the other side of the valley in the shadows of the heavily timbered slopes.
The King spun his horse around to address his troops. His splendor was awe inspiring. His words burned deep again, motivating response. "Trust in your King, your Lord, your God. And men - be men."
He turned the horse on his heels and gave the signal to move out. Zion's eyes narrowed in determination as he felt the tension buzz the air as right before a lightning strike. They had a job to do and everyone knew it. The biggest battle ever known to mankind was to happen just over the next rise in the valley natives coined years ago - Armageddon.
..."but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.