Jesus Always...
"I am the Gate." He is THE Way, the only Way. He even said so Himself. The world views this as narrow minded and exclusionary. Ha! Guess what? We aren't called to be of the world or about the world or listen to the world, so let that mindset go. If the world knew the Truth, they would discover that it is as all-inviting and inclusive and broad and deep as possible. Jesus has and will go to any and every length to reach His people. He prayed that we would all be with Him in heaven. He proved His amazing love for us by dying on the cross so that "whosoever will come..." It is an open invitation to all peoples, without exclusion or exception. Grace is available to all, including me, including you. Think about it. The gospel story makes sense. The bible makes sense and faith can be quite logical if you believe. "If this was true, then that is true. If that really happened, then this is highly plausible."
The reference to the Gate implies a thoroughfare or passage, as in transportation on a journey. Indeed, we are walking with God through this life. For what purpose and goal? We were created to live for His glory and were made for heaven. This is a good reminder of our destination. Where are our minds? Are they entrenched in the things of this world? We need to be more heavenly minded and set our minds on things above. It's time to refresh ourselves in the business of overcoming this world. Our minds have become much too worldly. Again, I believe the rewards we receive in heaven are much bigger and satisfying than we understand or can know. If we did, we might be more motivated here on earth. It seems the cult religions are more motivated than Christians, and that is a sad statement. It would do us good to accept the fact that we are here but a short while, then it's eternity in heaven.
I like this example story by our pastor to make the point: a man was asked by a friend to come help open his new business and promised to pay him $5 for the whole day. Reluctantly, he agreed. Splashing through flooded streets, soaked from pouring rain, unable to park closely, fighting through crowds of media, he discovered his assignment was to stand under a leaking roof, with no heat in the building, where the computers didn't work, chaos reigned in poor working conditions, with no breaks allowed. No thanks! It's not worth $5! Now, contrast that with the promised payment of $500,000,000. The man has a spring in his step, splashing through puddles, disregarding environment, rude people, harsh working conditions, and the like. He was able to focus on the reward coming in the very near future. He persevered and faced his situation with joy and his heart was full of positivity and light. You tracking with me? Why can't that be us here? As Christ-following disciples, why can't we thrive here in these conditions? Instead, we barely survive! It's time to dump the grump, bury negativity, embrace hope and positivity, apply faith, and rediscover the true reason for a joy that should never be stolen by this world or circumstances. Let's repent and reestablish the Lord as our First Love and set our minds on our heavenly destination. It will be here in the blink of an eye.