Ecclesiastes 4.
Sure, it's depressing, if you waste your life pursuing selfish endeavors. That's the trap of Existentialism, where each individual is free to decide on their own what their reason for existence is. It's all very subjective and fluid. It's quite wishy-washy, really. There's nothing solid about it. There's just no Truth in it. The only true source of genuine, meaningful purpose to existence is Jesus.
To focus on this point, check out 4:4. "All labor and all achievement spring from man's envy of his neighbor." I believe this to be true. Surely, this inspires the saying about "keeping up with the Jones'". I also believe there is broader application here. We prayed last week to be spared from wasting years of vain pursuits. We can easily become misguided and expend priceless time and energy in pursuit of many other things. These areas include work projects, achievements, accomplishments, accolades, pleasures, comforts, riches, etc. None of these are bad in their own right, but our envy in these areas can drive us to solely focus and obsess errantly on any of them. We have to be careful here. This requires great wisdom and inspiration by the Holy Spirit. We are talking about living a Spirit-led life here- one which is influenced and directed by the person of God's Holy Spirit. This is how we avoid wasting our lives pursuing meaningless things that are outside of God's will.
The struggle is great because of our inherent sinful nature as human beings. We are naturally selfish, so we are automatically inclined to choose these sort of vain pursuits to build ourselves and our little kingdoms up. As Christian disciples, we are called to die to self and live for God's glory. Remember that little gem about when we truly want to live for His glory instead of ours, the Holy Spirit is finally able to be unleashed to influence your thoughts, words, and actions? Yes! That's what it's all about, folks!
We really would do well to be content with what God has given us. With much striving comes much stress and malcontent. In faith, we can rest assured that He will provide everything we need for any and every thing He calls us to do. An old friend once told me, "For every appointment comes a special anointment." I like that. We can be spared the dreaded pressure of comparing our lives to others. Ah, sweet freedom from that worry. He calls each of us to follow Him individually and that can look quite differently, even as we are unified by the fact that we are all a part of the body following Him and accomplishing His purposes for His kingdom!
Clearly, we weren't left here to follow Him alone. The Lord brings people together for sharpening and encouragement. Indeed, two are better than one. There's nothing like friends helping each other in discipleship. Except maybe marriage! Hmmm... Seems verses 9-12 could be talking about either or both! But wait! I can't help but believe the reference to the cord of three strands is a picture of Jesus right in the middle of these special relationships!
Help us be content, Lord. Improve our vision of what this life is all about. Teach us what is really important. Give us the courage to push away temptations to pursue selfish desires. Inspire us to want what You want. Unleash the power of Your Holy Spirit to influence our lives for Your glory.