Meeting 7/6/19
The Other “F” Word…
“For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the One who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the freedom and glory of the children of God.” Rom. 8:20-21.
Do you ever notice how things aren’t quite perfect ‘round here? Ha! It’s obvious, things will never reach their potential on Earth. God designed us for an eternity in heaven. If you haven’t got the memo yet, here it is: this ain’t it. Nope. We aren’t in heaven yet. Shocker. If our earthly existence was paradise, no one would seek the Lord or long for heaven. He made it this way.
So, we live with constant frustration. He doesn’t want our worldly pursuits to put Him in the shadows. He wants so badly to have a personal relationship with us. He sentenced His own Son to death to make that possible. We truly don’t get what we deserve, which is death. Thank You, Lord, for Your grace! He is expectantly waiting for the frustrations of this world to drive us to Him for help and companionship. Together, we can handle whatever!
Frustration may prompt some to say the crude “F” word, but I believe the Lord is calling His people to say the holy “F” word: Faith! Our responses to frustrations should be of Faith and Hope, not bitterness and negativity. I feel when I complain, I’m questioning God’s sovereignty and am stating I’m not content with His plan or provision. I’ve messed that up enough. I hope we can be disciples that respond to the world’s frustrations with faith. He’s praying for us. These difficult situations don’t catch Him by surprise. He allows them into our lives. Let’s trust Him and respond in faith. It’s gonna be okay. He’s with us.