Jesus Always...
"Trust Me and don't be afraid". Take a few minutes and take stock of your life. What circumstances are you facing that need this application of faith? Right now, realize this is a command from our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. He is telling you to trust Him and not be afraid. No matter how things look or feel. Our circumstances are not too difficult for Him to handle, resolve, or change. In fact, they can change in an instant. He is still performing miracles. He is still creating. He is still sovereign. He is still in control. Maybe today is the day you need to tell your circumstances and situations these truths. I pray that we make a deliberate decision to trust God and not be afraid. Reason this out with the Spirit and come to an agreement to really trust Him with all of our challenging situations.
Fear usually has to do with the future. Just like most of our bad dreams, God doesn't appear to be in the picture. Now, that truly would be a scary place. It sounds like hell - a place without God. BUT, thankfully, as we live out our existence on Earth, it just isn't possible to be in a place where He doesn't exist. He is omnipresent; therefore, can be everywhere at the same time, by the miraculous truth and character of His Holy Spirit. We need to believe and depend on this truth and fact. He is with us, right now, all the time, unconditionally. He promised to never leave us or forsake us. He is for us. He wants us to live in faith, walk in grace, finish our race, and come home to spend eternity with Him in heaven.
Only He knows the future. That means we are meddling with something that is out of our hands. Let's leave our future in His hands. That's trust. He is our Hope. We are nothing without Him. But with Him, we can do all things He calls us to do. Let's be a faithful people. That means let's be full of faith, like a child. When He returns, may He find us living in faith. Yes, I know it's hard. And things aren't ideal here. They aren't supposed to be. He allows frustration, partially so we understand our home is in heaven. Nobody reaches their potential here on Earth. Our best days are still yet to come. Even so, He is the "somehow" that our situations are resolved. He provides the Way. When the Israelites were backed up against the Red Sea, He made a way out. When Jesus was on the cross, it looked like He was losing, but that turned out pretty good! He will make a Way. Trust Him and don't be afraid.
The devil capitalizes on fear of things not working out or turning out like we hope. He sets us up by creating doubt. Resist him, flee from that temptation to turn to negativity about our circumstances. The media plays on these fears and negative bits of information. I don't watch the news anymore. I've been trying to be more positive about things. I'm putting my hope in Him, because I know He can change things in an instant. They just aren't too difficult for Him. I've been studying the Old Testament miracles and sharing them with my Shrubs. They need to know what kind of God He is. They need to learn how to believe in Him. Life is hard and the world is a cruel place. He will make a way. Trust Him and don't be afraid.