Revelation 14, Harvest Time.
    This will be a more lengthy summary than usual.  There are a few more nuggets of personal application, so hang in there, take your time, and enjoy the ride!
    The Shepherd is identified as the Lamb.  He begins and ends with 144,000 sealed Jews, who's purpose is to witness and evangelize throughout the world.  Note, He didn't end with 143,999.  He didn't lose a single one.  That's how true He is.  That's how He holds you and me.  When we accepted Him as our Savior, He promised He would always be with us and carry us to the end, sealed with His Holy Spirit, so it's time to rid ourselves of this anxiety and worry about our futures.  It's time to put our faith and trust in Jesus to hold us through our tribulations.  So much is written on how to improve this or how to change that, but yet still there is very little victorious living amongst Christians.  Why?  We don't need more methods or processes.  We need the Lord Jesus Christ, in person.  He is the answer to our problem of making it through our challenges.  We need to know Him in a meaningful and applicable way, drawing close to Him and not so much to other things of the world.  We need to be going to Him as our source, and not to that old place or that old website or that old drink or that old person that we used to frequent.
    During the Great Tribulation there will be a much exaggerated emphasis on sex and drugs.  These 144,000 kept themselves free from that stuff.  They stayed pure.  They understood their time was short and that this wasn't the time to bother with multiplying and replenishing the Earth's population.  They stayed true to their King.  This purity also refers to spiritual fornication.  In those times, there will be unparalleled spiritual adultery and idolatry.  They remained faithful to Jesus through to the end.
    When people go through fiery trials, they either burn bright or burn out.  They either proclaim God's goodness or deny Him.  When they burn out, they usually go back to those old things they used to do before.  They go back to that darkness they once knew.  It was the same for Peter after he denied Jesus.  He went back to fishing for fish after Jesus had called him to fish for men.  Thankfully, Jesus restored and redirected him.  He does the same for us, if we will allow Him.  It's not too late.  He never stops pursuing us.  There's no end to grace.  It's a lie to think you've done too much or gone too far to be loved and restored and redeemed.  That's the voice of Satan.  The bible is God's truth, speaking of His faithfulness to forgive and cover your sins with grace.  When Jesus died on the cross, His sacrificial blood was completely sufficient to pay the price necessary to purchase your redemption from God's wrath.  Believe it.  Put your trust in His love and grace.  He's still in love with you, no matter what you've done.  Your mistakes are not the end.  There's nothing you can do to make Him love you less. Ah, thank you, Lord!  That's such good news.  Come back to Him, for He is already standing right with you, wanting to be on the throne of your heart. He's knocking.  Let Him in.
    As a reminder, John was writing to his churches to encourage, inspire, and illuminate.  Their hearing the story of the 144,000 would be greatly encouraging, for these people didn't give in, didn't compromise, didn't give up.  Their minds were on God.  They were at peace in their tribulation.  Their minds weren't on sexual imageries or memories.  They held on, strong to the end.  Where do you go during your fiery trials?  What do you do?
    There was authority in their voices.  How can we speak with authority when people we know are running to the wrong sources in their tribulations?  How can we encourage them to live a life of purity and without compromise?  How can we plead with them to flee from sin and pursue the righteousness of God?  Of course, it begins with us actually doing those things and being that example.  Second, we should be proactive to befriend someone.  Two are much better than one.  God never intended for us to walk this out alone.  There is a way to legitimately have true friendships, even at work, while respecting the proper roles, ranks, and policies necessary.  It actually can be a great witness to others watching.  The world watches for corruption, favoritism, and wrongful practices.  They are fearfully negative about the possibility of those things.  But what an opportunity to prove that it is really possible to have a pure, real friendship within the proper structure of an organization?  Besides friendship, leaders also need encouragement and accountability.  They need someone to help check themselves so they don't wreck themselves!  
    These 144,000 sing a new song to the Lord.  He has brought them through their tribulation and now it's time to rejoice and celebrate.  Only the redeemed can sing praises to God, and we should take note of this.  We should be participating in praise and worship of our redeemer God.  It's something I am still working on.  Notice these people aren't whining and moaning about the fact that they had to go through such intense suffering.  Hmmm...I'm also taking note of that.  I'm sorry, Lord.  I've weakly thrown my own pity-party too many times.  I pray I'll be stronger and have more faith.  Help me in this area, Father.
    Though they were commissioned to spread the Gospel message to the world, times will get so intense that man will no longer be effective in influence or witness.  Some days, I feel that is true, even now.  I see more and more limitations in areas I would have expected to have more influence, as more and more people don't want to hear it.  In this passage, the Lord calls upon angels to finish the job that man cannot complete.  
    The first angel goes throughout the earth in the sky proclaiming, "Fear God and give Him glory".  Folks, that's good directions for us today.  This fear of God involves reverence, respect, love, admiration, honor, deference, and submission, recognizing His position of authority.  It means you don't want to disappoint Him.  You want to be with Him.  You want to be in good standing with Him.  You are interested in what He likes and wants.  It speaks of the closest, most important and valuable relationship you can participate in.  Our best picture of this relationship is in marriage between a man and a woman.  He gave us that model to represent and reflect the relationship possible between Himself and us, personally.  Now, to the degree we fear God, the less we will fear other things.  The more we fear God, the less room we allow for other things to rise up to bring us anxiety and worry.  Also, the more we fear God, the less impact and allure other things of the world will have influence on us!  We won't want those old things so much anymore!  They seem to lose their luster over time.  The Lord Jesus is the only source of true satisfaction.  All of those urges and desires are intended to be fulfilled and satisfied by Him alone.  He designed us that way.  We err by visiting so many various sources to get joy and temporary satisfaction, but none will suffice.  Only He can provide lasting and real satisfaction of our longings.  This is something I was explaining to my oldest daughter just last night.  All those longings to be appreciated, loved, admired, have a sense of belonging, appetite for intimacy, self esteem, identity, confidence, comfort, purpose, assurance of value and beauty, etc. are intended to be satisfied only by Jesus Himself.
    An interesting point needs to be considered about the difference in what trials people must go through.  It seems some go through harder times than others, but this is a call to faith in our God's goodness and provision.  It is possible that all of us are undergoing the same, equal impact of suffering because to the degree He sovereignly allows specific suffering, He provides very specific strength, comfort, and consolation to endure it.  He provides exactly the full amount of comforts and resources needed to handle each specific trial, though we judge each trial differently and compare.  We shouldn't put ourselves in others' shoes in this regard because we don't know God's provision and plan for each individual.  Remember, when Peter was restored, he errantly asked about what lay in the future for John?  Jesus chastised him, saying "what is it to you?  What if I have planned for him to not even die before I return?"  We are to mind our own business and trust the Lord for providing comfort and consolation in both our own fiery trials and in others.  Therefore, we really shouldn't feel sorry for anyone and shouldn't allow others to feel sorry for us.  We are all going through the exact type of impactful trials.  No one is exempt from the call to faith.  We need to avoid self pity and moaning.  We need to grow up and mature in this area.  We should all believe that God is the source of our comfort.  We should encourage others in the same way.  Seems everyone wants a testimony without the actual test!
    Why didn't God just make us not feel sexual urges until marriage?  This is how we can truly encourage our young people to lay their lives down for Christ.  To say "no" to all of the perverted, ungodly temptations in the world is a huge act of devotion to the Lord.  They need to follow the Lamb and be ignorant of such evil that's in the world.  They should be free to be live a life of purity amongst the unrelenting pressures out there.  It's their offering to God- their own bodies and purity.  It makes sense, considering how we parents feel about our kids in this area.  It breaks our hearts to see our kids committing crimes and engaging in impure lifestyles.  We don't want to see them ruin their lives and live with those regrets.  It delights both God and parents to see people walking in purity.  But keep in mind, no one can walk in purity in their own strength.  They need the  powerful help of the Holy Spirit to stand up to the world's temptations.  
    So, this is God's final call.  He sends angels to proclaim the gospel message to those remaining on the earth.  Fear God and give Him glory.  This element of giving Him glory is our true North even today.  This gives our life's journey a solid direction and meaningful purpose.  Our life's work is to bring Him glory.  I encourage us all to consider this more and more as we mature in Christ.  In my rehabilitation of this foot injury, if the Lord allows me to get back to doing those things I love, may I do them in a better mindset to bring Him glory.  We need His Holy Spirit to help develop this strong desire and motivation to live for His glory, not ours.  Whatever you do in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.  He will bring fruit from our efforts and labor in this.    Back to the story...this is their last chance before harvest time.  The final war is about to begin.  The Kingdom of God is on its way in.   
    The second angel proclaims that Babylon has fallen.  The Greek actually indicates the verb is past tense, as it "fell" already, before it actually even happened.  This is an amazing truth to grasp hold of.  God's word is so true and real, that if He says it, it's as if it has already been done!  Think about this for a minute.  Think about all those things you pray for that don't seem to be changing, but are requiring great patience.  What if you prayed and thought along the lines that these answers are already on the way?  What if you thought that those problems are already all but solved?  If He said it, it's good.  It's finished.  It's done.  You can count on it.  This is that call to faith we mentioned last week.  Let's live like we know He has heard our prayers, knows our situations, and has already set the answers in motion.  Have a big faith, friends.  Hold on, have a Godly patience, and look for Him to move on your behalf.  It will happen as if it has already happened.
    Here's the answer we all are looking for:  it's Jesus coming on the clouds.  He's the hero of the story and the hero of our lives.  He's who the book is about.  This is the revelation of Jesus Christ.  Everyone will come to the realization that life is about Him.  This comes with some sort of a warning and a good conviction for me.  What am I all about in my life today?  Am I about me and fussing about building my kingdom?  I'm concerned for a giant disparity between living my life on Earth and my life in heaven for eternity.  It's disturbing to think I would live for myself too much here, then be called to live for Jesus in heaven.  We are seeing more and more pictures of life in heaven throughout the book of Revelation.  It truly is about Jesus.  Our business in heaven is going to about doing His will and living for Him.  I think I need to get with the program more while I still have the chance here.   I need to be cultivating His character and be about His business for the short time I have left.  
    The armies will gather to fight a world war against each other.  Then Jesus shows up and they unite their resources to fight against Him!  Amazing!  Of course, man loses.  Our King wins.  He is Lord of the harvest.  Horses are mentioned as modes of transport.  It is possible that cyberwarfare has destroyed the various computer based machinery and weaponry, requiring the resorting to primitive means.  The blood of those slain by Jesus splashes up on his clothes.  We see multiple references to this is scriptures as confirmation.  He protects the 144,000 sealed Jews, moves through the Battle of Meggido, unleashing the wrath of God, arrives on the Mount of Olives, through the Eastern gate of Jerusalem, and unto the throne to reign in the Millennial Kingdom.
    I believe there is much more to rewards in heaven than I've realized.  The Lord reminded me of what I tell my kids, "you have no idea the blessings, rewards, and responsibilities that lay in store for you.  You're gonna love it.  Do well in the little things we give you to manage and you will be given much more."  I've not given this the attention it deserves in my own life, concerning eternity in heaven.  What I do and who I am today will matter for my tomorrow in heaven, way beyond what I can know or imagine.  I have a feeling I will discover in heaven that there is much more to this reward thing.  It will be too little too late when I arrive.  I will wish I had taken it more seriously, I predict.  It's motivation and inspiration to be about my Father's business even now.  It's good encouragement for the right and best way to live in our world today.  
    So many people are not on fire for the Lord or walking closely with Him anymore.  They've been too much about their own lives.  They've compromised and lost their First Love.  They're lukewarm. They long for rest and peace.  Jesus said for us to come to Him , all of us who are weary.  He would want us to remember that He paid for our sins.  He wants us to be happy because He has forgiven us and hopes we will walk in freedom!  
    He is still working, friends.  He is working in your life.  He is already ahead of you, in your future.  He is asking us to have patience and hold on.  Keep plugging away and stay faithful.  Don't give up just yet.  The answers are just around the corner.  Believe it.  Have faith in Jesus.  An eternity of servanthood requires a lifetime of cultivating patience and faithfulness.  Be faithful in what few things He's given you now.  One day we will rest from our labors when our work is done here.  Finish strong.  Run to win!