Meeting 6/20/14
Isaiah 36-40

Ch. 36:
*Battle, enemies, taunting, doubts, war tactics, temptations, bargains/agreements- never make agreements with Satan!
*From the heart the mouth speaks.
*Good tree-good fruit.  Don't be surprised when bad tree brings bad fruit.
*There are times to not answer, don't speak, keep silent, stay calm.  I don't have to defend myself or God.

Ch. 37:
*Isaiah speaks for the first time in first person.  Remember: his name means "the Lord saves".
*Do not be afraid of anything or anyone.
*Take my problems directly to God immediately.
*v20. "So that the earth may know that you are God."  Am I 'in'?  Am I 'about' that?  Will I join Him in that goal?
*v21. "Because you have prayed...". I need to pray!
*Don't count out "the Angel of the Lord"!

​Ch. 38:
*v2. Walk before the Lord faithfully w/ wholehearted devotion and do good in your life.  Have I been faithful or have I cheated on Him with my idols of self and pride?  How much of my heart is devoted to Him?  10% tithe?  What kind of man will I be today?
*God is a merciful God.
*God defies science, logic, and reasoning.  Miracles are easy for Him.  He can fix, repair, change anything and anyone in an instant.  Pray to Him!
*So, what is my response to God saving me? His mercy?  His healing and deliverance?  Is it like Saul/Paul?  Hezekiah?  My life should be a response to this.

Ch. 39:
*I am to be wise in guarding/protecting what the Lord has established.  I don't have to trust men.  I can know that I live in a fallen world with enemies around.

Ch. 40:
*Who is like God?  Consider His character in all things.
*v11. He is our Shepherd-leading/caring for us.  Let Him!
*Look at nature, how it reflects His glory, power, creativity, awesomeness, creator.  Praise Him!  Worship Him!
*v29-31.  Ah yeah.  He gives strength to the weary, power to the weak.  Again, continuing to place my hope in the Lord will renew my strength.  It's a miracle that He could propel me to rise above earthly challenges and to finish my race, fulfilling my purpose.  I can be invincible in Christ.