God has called us to get tough, be strong and courageous, and fight for what's right. He wants us to hold on to His truths and keep pursuing after Him, all the while allowing Him to make the big changes in our characters. He wants us to continue to place the highest value on our personal relationship with Him.
So many things in and of the world vie for our devotion. We are "rich" in worldly thinking to the point that it hinders our following of Christ.
Ah, but there's something great about accepting the call to meet together and draw on each other's strength and encouragement, experiencing unity, and sharpening each other. You get the sense that you are pleasing God, because you want it, you are yearning for more, hoping for deliverance and striving to overcome. So many get locked down by the thought that they are just not able to please God. They think of all their failures. What if we knew God was pleased with us? The Bible says, "find out what pleases God" and "without faith, it is impossible to please God" and "my righteous one will live by faith. If he shrinks back I will not be pleased with him".
So here we are, still going after Him, going after the life He is calling us into, trying with all our mights, giving our all, counting on the only One that can make it all possible. Praise be the God, who designed all of this so that He would receive the glory. He smiles at the fact that we come together and meet, receiving direction and encouragement from Him.