Meeting 6/13/14
Isaiah 31-35.

Ch. 31:
*Trust in God alone.
*Jerusalem will be "passed over" and saved.

Ch. 32:
*He will make things right.
*Be careful w/complacency and security.  Stay humble.  Always return to the Lord and stay in His word!
*v.17. The fruit of righteousness is peace.  It's effect is quietness and confidence forever.
*v8. The noble man makes noble plans and by noble deeds he stands.

Ch. 33:
*He is my strength, my salvation, my foundation, my source of wisdom-these are like treasure.  The key is to "fear" the Lord.  What does that mean? It's about relationship, not laws or rules.  It's about me conceding His rightful position as the Greater and I'm the Lesser.  He is my authority.
*v15. I am called to walk righteously, speak rightly, keep pure, resist temptation.
*Those w/God are good.  Those away from Him aren't.

Ch. 34:
*Destruction, wrath, anger.
*Birds of prey.
*It's like when I have big, fun plans for the kids and want to share it with them but they refuse to behave, so I can't reward them and end up missing out on the experience, then possibly discipline, etc.  It hurts my heart.  Same with God dealing with us.

Ch. 35:
*v3,4. Fight fear-be strong in the Lord, have faith, trust Him, and never count Him out of your situation.  His timing is always perfect.
*v5,6. Blind see, deaf hear, lame walk.