Revelation 12, Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself.
    Can't we all just get along?  Evidently not.  Revelation 12 explains why there is so much conflict surrounding Israel and her Jewish people.  Man will never be able to provide peace for Israel.  Only God can do that-and He will.  John is shown a sign in heaven to paint the timeless picture.  The woman clothed with the sun, moon under her feet, and crown of twelve stars on her head is obviously Israel.  The churches of John's time would definitely know this reference was from Gen. 37, where Joseph saw the same image in his dream.  The enormous red dragon is Satan.  It's heads, horns, and crowns speak of the many kingdoms, past and future, that will have reign on Earth and over Israel.  Sweeping a third of the stars out of the sky is a reference to Satan and a third of the angels rebelling against God in heaven.  The woman, Israel, gives birth to a son, Jesus, who is snatched up to God and His throne.  Israel flees into the wilderness to be protected for the three and a half years of this part of the Great Tribulation.  They will have read Jesus' warning in Matt. 24 and know what to do to survive this period of intense persecution.  
    The Jewish nation produces great examples of character, honor, integrity, community, patriotism, service, accomplishment, and excellence.  Their meager 14 million members represent a mere 0.02% of the world's population, yet they have earned 129 Nobel Prizes.  In contrast, the Muslim community of over 1 billion, 200 million, represents more than 20% of the world's population, yet have only received 7 Nobel prizes.  
    There is a war in heaven between the devil and his evil angels versus the archangel Michael and his good angels.  Notice God doesn't deal with Satan on his level.  They are not even close to the same rank.  God is way above the rank of Satan.  He charges Michael to personally fight against the devil.  Interestingly, Michael's name means "who is like God?".  I've never known a name that states a question, but this is very unique considering his assignment to always protect the Jews.  Devil means "accuser" and Satan means "adversary or enemy".  And what was the bent of Satan?  He wanted to be like God.  He was embittered because God got all the glory and power and honor.  He reasoned he should be entitled to some of that good stuff, as well.  He wanted all of God's knowledge and control.  He wanted the popularity and praise of men.  It's fitting that the Lord paired Michael against Satan, considering.  
    This is where we need to check ourselves before we wreck ourselves.  The danger is at least two-fold.  One, in discipleship training and in the process of sanctification, we also say we want to be like God.  Search our hearts, Lord.  May we be found to have true motives of simply desiring Your character to be developed in our lives-nothing more, nothing less.  Secondly, the Lord requires us to be a people of real faith.  Faith is believing in what is unseen.  It is believing even when you don't know everything about everything. Most of the time, we don't know much of anything about anything!  In fact, the more I discover, the more I realize I'm just scratching the surface.  The danger is when we are so rich in our own self that we begin to act like Satan, himself.  We whine, pout, murmur, complain, get bitter, go proud, feel entitled, get mad, become disobedient or disloyal, doubt God's goodness, question truth,  judge, accuse, justify, and walk away.  Those type of things empower Satan to become bigger in our lives.  We are extremely weak and susceptible to these attitudes and actions in our selfish world today.  Instead, by embracing faith in Christ, our testimonies and walk can actually silence Satan in the world around us.  It's a monumental role God has given us to play.  
    Back to the story:  the dragon and his angels are defeated in the war in heaven.  They are hurled to the Earth.  Ah, the joy that will break out in heaven at this sight.  No longer will the devil have access to  heaven to accuse the saints.  Instead, he is shackled to Earth, where he will unleash his fury on the Jews.  He's always hated the Jews.  He is behind every attempt to kill Jesus and His followers.  It explains why there is so much drama, hatred, and persecution surrounding Israel.  The world is in rebellion against God.  They are following right along with Satanic influences of anti-Semitism.  There's no way they can understand the conflict involving Israel outside of the Bible.  On that note, name one capitol city that would embrace Jesus as king and relinquish authority over their nation to Him if He showed up on their doorstep today.  Can't think of any, can you?  What about the good ol' US of A?  Hmmm... Good talk.
    The Christian church has been raptured to heaven already at this point in Revelation.  The Jews are sealed by God, guaranteed to survive the Tribulation.  Satan chases and attacks her, but he just can't get to her, so he goes off to wage war against any and all followers of Christ.  He's like a snake who just got his head lopped off, angry and already dead, though he doesn't even know it yet.  His time is short, for the end is near.
    So, what do we take from this passage?  Take heart.  Take courage.  Hold fast to your testimony of Jesus.  Stay obedient.  Have real faith even when you don't know how things will turn out.  Recognize God is God and you are not.  Defer.  Submit.  Don't argue.  Trust Him.  Choose to believe.  Forget your life.  Let the Holy Spirit convict you to draw near to the Lord and have a loving relationship with Him.  Stay in the Word.  Be forgiven and free.  Testify about His blood covering your sins and providing your eternal salvation.  Be thankful.  Commit your life to Him.  Don't listen to Satan's taunts.  Don't give in to fear.  Don't love your life so much as to fear death.  Represent the Lord wherever you go.  Rest in the Rock.  Be at peace, even in the storms of uncertainty and struggles.  Give up trying to make this life heaven on Earth.  Be an overcomer.  Be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power.  Really glorify God with your life.  That's why He made us as a part of His creation.  Be God's fan- passionate as you are with your favorite sports athlete.  Fire up, team!