Meeting 6/1/18
    Maybe it's my age.  Maybe getting older helps with this perspective.  I've come to realize I've got but a short time left here.  I want to make it count.  I want to avoid missing out on opportunities.  I want to really be about the Father's business.  When we finally meet, I want Him to see me living in real faith.
    One element that goes along with this is listening.  There's a whole lot of noise out there, as you know.  I'm talking about listening for that nudge by the Holy Spirit, or His voice in your thoughts, or that reminder in Nature, or encouragement in that song, or wisdom through that person, or counsel in His Word, or wherever He so desires. Funny, as we discussed this, a male sparrow landed nearby, looked into my eyes, and chirped twice, as if to say, "Amen!".  I love it when God does that, don't you?  It's amazing when He shows up, so to speak.  And then I'm surprised?  I'm always humbled and ashamed when I'm surprised, as if my faith has been exposed as being weak.  Does He really finally 'show up'?  Or is it true that He's always there, with me, every step of the way? Listening for His voice and direction are evidences of a Spirit-led life.  
    I don't want to miss out on opportunities God has orchestrated for my path and for His glory.  When I've become aware of opportunities I've missed in the past, I've never experienced such deep grief.  Then there's the ones I don't even know I've missed!  It's quite depressing, actually.  I believe the Lord is calling us to walk with a spiritual ear attuned to His presence and leading.  The alternative is a cranium buzzing with noise from obligations, stresses, deadlines, time windows, selfishness, goals, to-do lists, and the like.
    So, this leads to the second element of this fireside chat:  expectancy.  Faith in action includes expecting Him to show up, intervene, answer, lead, nudge, etc.  I was prompted to write my friend Mike on his birthday today, "I have to trust that the Lord has heard my prayers and knows my heart's cry.  Then I have to expect Him to answer in His perfect timing with the perfect answer that I must be content to accept as right and fitting".  Notice, the giant distinction between expectancy and expectation.  Expectations are icebergs, looming beneath the surface, set to destroy and shipwreck our faith.  They are traps of selfishness, bent towards getting our way, or having situations turn out the way we self-righteously have judged.  Expectations lead to disappointments and disillusions.  They lead to anger towards God and others.  They lead to resentment and bitterness.  
    Expectancy involves leaving the results in God's capable hands.  It requires humility and a recognition that we don't see the big picture or really know what's best.  It includes us fully trusting the Lord with our circumstances.  It means we look for Him to actively participate in relationship with us.  It's time we get with the program and start looking for Him every day.  He's looking for relationship and continually extends the invitation with open arms.  Let's keep returning to Him, again and again, even as responsibilities and distractions compete for our devotion.  He is faithful to forgive and understands our weaknesses as humans.  It's ok.  He will welcome us back.  Just keep returning, no matter what...