Old School Faith
In reading the story recorded in Luke 16:19-31, we find an interesting tale of a rich man and Lazarus.  Lazarus, sick with sores, dies and goes to heaven.  The rich man experienced "the good life" on earth, dies, goes to hell, and can see Lazarus standing by Abraham.  The rich man begs for mercy to quench his agony in hell, but there is no remedy.  So he pleads that they send someone to witness to his family so they may believe and be spared the eternal torment.  But no supplication is given, for as Abraham said, these people have the Old Testament and even someone rising from the dead and appearing to them would not be enough for them to believe.
So we understand the great value of the Old Testament and how it points to Christ, the author and finisher of our faith and salvation.   Some people will just continue to refuse to believe, even practical, proven history.   Amazingly, some discount Jesus, even after He rose from the dead and all of His promises are coming true.