AFC Meeting 05/31/03
Army of One in the War of Worlds,
inspired by "Maximized Manhood", by Ed Cole.
A somber mood hovered over the station their next shift on duty.  The lack of joking and horsing around created an eerie, uncomfortable silence.  The earthquake had left a trail of destroyed homes, so many of the guys just stayed at work to have a roof over their heads.
"What's up with Frank?", Zion Johnson asked his officer.
"Lost his twin girls in the quake.", he responded.  "Mom tried to dig 'em out of the rubble, but it was too late.  He's blaming her, God, himself, and whoever else he can find for the whole deal.  You'd best steer clear of him today."
Zion knew Frank from way back.  They had grown up in church together, but a couple of hard knocks had left him bitter towards God and finally had given up following the Lord.  He had lost his mom to breast cancer and not two months later, his dad died in a fluke car accident.  Currently, Frank had been one of the first in line to receive the mark of accountability and loyalty as economic and social turmoil set in.  Ultimately, just the last shift, he had been one of the three that attacked Zion, with the intent to rid the world of his type.
As fate would have it, they found themselves in the weight room together that evening.  At first there was tense silence as they sized each other up, wondering what the other would do, and mulling over all of their past events up to now.  Each deliberately performed the exercises without saying a word.  Zion had been praying throughout the day, and had finally been able to forgive Frank for everything, even the physical assault the other day.  Zion remembered how Jesus had taken the greatest offense known to man on the cross and still asked God to forgive His foes because they didn't know what they were doing.  Oh, the sweet release when Zion let go with the forgiveness.  He could literally feel the weight of his spirit lift as he was freed from the burden of conviction to judge and avenge.  He thanked God and prayed for Frank also that God would work with him.
Finally, Zion felt led to break the silence.  "Sorry about your little girls, Frank.  I heard the news today."  Frank just dropped his head, shaking it from side to side.  He was standing up with his arms draped over the wide pull-down bar, and for a moment in Zion's eyes, looked like someone being crucified on a cross.  "I want you to know that I've completely forgiven you and any motives you might have had to do me in the other day.  It took me awhile, I was so jacked up with anger and stuff, but I wish I could describe the joy and freedom of release I have now from just letting go."
Frank's tears started hitting the black rubber mats as his pain became unbearable.  "What have I done?", he croaked in agony.  "I've turned against God and now His wrath is being poured out on me.  I'm like the fig tree He cursed because it didn't produce fruit.  At first, I did so many bad things I felt God could never forgive me.  I was just so dirty.  He would never want me to work for Him.  So I just gave up trying, knowing I'd never amount to anything.  Then I couldn't stop, and even hoped taking this mark would protect me from the consequences of my sin.  Now, He's taken my girls!
"I've been so deceived this whole time.  I was just denying the truth in simply accepting the responsibility for my sins, getting forgiven, and moving on.  In my house growing up, if you weren't perfect, you were punished.  I just wanted to get as far away from that as possible.  I am so sorry, man, for everything.  Will you ever forgive me?"
"Like I said, man, I've already done it!", Zion said, slapping him on the shoulder.
"Would you pray with me?", Frank asked.
"Sure, man.", Zion agreed as they knealt down together, interlocking their arms on each other's shoulders.
"God,", Frank began.  "I don't know where to start;  I've been so wrong all these years.  I know now I've been holding on to all my past sins as an excuse to not suck it up and follow You.  When I was trying to figure You out, and church, and my crazy family, I gave up finally.  Now I see that not making a decision is a bad decision in itself.  I remember what the Bible says about the miracles You can do with people and I am begging You to forgive me, and not look at my sin anymore.  I want to make my highest goal to just be more like Jesus.  And I know that I can only be as great as how big You are in my life.  Be big in my life, Lord, in these tough times.  I never want to fall again and disappoint You and commit the same failures again.  I feel your Spirit drawing me closer to You;  I feel the peace that I once knew.  Never let this go away.  If this is the closest I will ever be to You again, I'm asking You to just take me home right now to be with my little girls and You."
Zion's eyes were still closed, intensely praying in agreement with his brother, and waiting for him to continue after this pause.  Instead, he felt him slip out of his grasp and slump over, landing on his side by the dumbells, clanging the racked weights.  Zion stepped over to him immediately, and checked for a carotid pulse, but found none.  He turned him over onto his back, and not finding any signs of breathing, he jumped up to run for help, subconsciously noting a slight smile of peace drawn on Frank's face as he left.